Grey Reef Fishing Report
Contact Us for a First Hand Fishing Report
Give us a shout anytime to speak to one of our guides personally for an up to date fishing report. We almost always have a guide available to speak. If we don’t, we will have a guide call you back in a timely manner. You won’t ever get pressure to purchase, just friendly advice!
Grey Reef Fishing Report & Fly Info
- Fishing Report Date: 3/6/25
- Stream Flow: 500 CFS
- Water Clarity: 8/10
- Water Temperature: -N/A
- Fish Count: 3,500 fish per mile below Grey Reef
- Hatches: Midges
- Overall Rating: 10/10 nymphing
- Travel Conditions & Advisories: None at this time
- Fishing Licenses: State ID or Drivers License and cash is required to purchase a WY Fishing License. All water crafts required to purchase aquatic invasive species permit online through WY game & fish or license selling agent.
Grey Reef Fishing Report:
March 6 2024:
Season 2025 is off to a great start! The reef down to government bridge is clear and fishing good to great. A variety of midge patterns, leeches, rock worms/annelids, worms (san juan, squirmy), and egg patterns seem to be doing the trick. It’s your typical spring meal. The flush is scheduled to begin daily on March 17th through March 26th. After the first few days of the river being stirred up and cleaned out, it makes for a feeding frenzy! Take advantage of the low traffic, shoulder rates and great fishing! Looking forward to an awesome spring!
November 12 2024:
It is that time of year again. Please make sure you are not walking and/or fishing on redds. Don’t be afraid to educate others if you see them fishing on redds. It is up to us to preserve our fisheries for the future generations. Grey Reef is running about 500cfs and pretty clear. Egg patterns, leeches, midges, baetis and worms have all been productive. The streamer fishing has been good, some days better than others, so give it a try if your not looking to stare at indicators.
October 8 2024:
Fall is here, although temps are a little misleading. It’s been a hot and dry year and I think we all could agree that we are ready for lower temps and some moisture. Grey Reef is sitting at around 500cfs as to be expected this time of year. Dam down to lusby has a lot of vegetation, so if you fish that section, expect to be picking junk off of your rig. The lower you go, the less the grass, so I would recommend sticking to lower sections on the reef. Fishing has been good with our most successful rigs containing small mayfly nymphs such as pheasant tails, two bit hookers, and S&M, size 20-22 foamback emergers, darth baetis, and juju baetis. On the right day there are plenty of dry fly fishing opportunities. Try a small adams with an emerger behind it. Streamer fishing has been productive on some days as well. Rusty/Goldies and small buggers have been productive.
August 21 2024:
Grey Reef is sitting at 2900 cfs and has been fishing fair. As expected, there is some vegetation, so expect to pick some off your rigs. Worms, leeches, caddis and tricos have been the most successful for us. You will pick a few up on pats rubber legs and some crayfish patterns as well. Be careful when handling fish in these higher temps. Starting early, getting fish into the net quicker, and quick photos will help the keep our fishery healthy. I know we are all looking forward to lower temps and fall fishing. We have some labor day sales going on right now. If you subscribe to our newsletters, you have seen them, if not, feel free to reach out to a team member and we would be happy to hook you up.
June 28 2024:
Hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far. Grey Reef is running at 3300 cfs and clear from Grey Reef Dam to Sechrist. We have seen some high temps and had a few windy days, but overall good conditions. Midges in the morning such as Black Mayhem (22), Bubble Gut (20), Yankee Buzzer (20), and PMDS in the afternoon have been doing the trick. Some successful PMD patterns are the Split Case (20), Crust Nymph (18), and RS2 PMD (22). We are starting to see some caddis and sallies!
April 12 2024:
Happy Spring! Sorry in the delay on getting reports out, we were having a website malfunction, but we are back in business! This has been a good year so far. We had a pretty tame winter and have seen some higher temps so far this spring. Overall good conditions. We had our spring flush and all is well. Fishing conditions have been good! Grey Reef Dam to Gov is clear and pretty clear the rest of the way down through town. Rock worms, leeches, eggs, midges and even some baetis have been doing the trick. There are spawning fish, so please do not disturb them. If you see anyone fishing redds, please educate them! We all have to work together to maintain a healthy fishery.
November 14 2023:
So far November has been unexpectedly warm. Grey Reef is running at approximately 500 CFS and is fair to good clarity. Below government bridge is a little off colored still. Nymphing and streamers are the way to go. Same old fall meals, eggs, leeches, worms, midges and still some baetis in the afternoon. Browns are starting to spawn, so please stay off the redds. If you see others fishing redds, please spread the word and educate them on the importance of keeping our fishery healthy! Tomorrow our shoulder season rates begin, so take advantage of low rates, less people and good fishing! $100 off of full days and $75 off of 1/2 days. Keep your eyes peeled for our news letter, as we are running a Black Friday Special. If you aren’t subscribed and are interested feel free to give us a call at 307-267-5161.
August 31 2023:
Grey Reef is running at about 1000 CFS and the water temps are sitting at approximately 57°. The fishing has been decent however, be prepared to pick moss off of your rig. The clarity is good up top, and gets worse the lower you go. Tricos in the mornings, caddis patterns in the afternoon, and there are still a few pmds. We have also been having luck on worms, leeches and stoneflies.
July 10 2023:
After all of the rain and lower temps, we are finally seeing a string of high temps. Fishing is good on the reef but expect to deal with some moss. It is running at about 1000 CFS right now and the clarity is about an 8/10 down to the bridge. Below the bridge is starting to clear up and will continue to do so. We have transitioned into PMDs Sallies and Caddis.
Recommended Flies- Black & Yellow mayhems, Splitcase pmd, Crust Nymph pmd, Jacksons Sally, Birds Nest Caddis, and Rs2 pmd’s.
April 26 2023:
Grey Reef is running at about 685cfs, and clear for the most part down to government bridge. Fishing is good to great! Below government bridge it is a little off colored, but definitely fishable. Plenty of rainbows are still spawning, so please avoid the redds and stick to deeper water. Lets keep our fisheries healthy! In clear water on a sunny day, don’t be afraid to down size on tippet. Midges, annelids, BWOs, leeches and eggs are the name of the game right now. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to lighten and shorten up when things get buggy.
Recommended Flies- Mayhem Midge, Massacre Midge, Split Case BWO, Small Pheasant Tails, Batwing Emerger BWO, & Pine Squirrel Leeches, & Red Rock Worms
As always, feel free to give us a holler with any fly fishing questions that you may have. Call or text us at 307-267-5161.
March 16 2023:
The Grey Reef is fishing well. Our best flies right now are rock worms, pine squirrel leeches and black midges such as Mayhems, MacGruber’s, Massacre Midge and Juju Midge. Set on everything, with the cold water the takes are soft and subtle. The flush is scheduled to start on March 20th and continue for 9 days. After the bugs are stirred up, expect a feeding frenzy! Our shoulder season rates are still effective until 3/31, just in time for you to come fish the flush. Come take advantage of our lower rates and good fishing while you can. With the warmer temperatures, it is making for some good fishing days. Check out the weather forecast, pick the day with the lowest winds and come fish with us! Give us a call or shoot us text at 307-267-5161.
Nov 18th 2022:
There is still Psuedos hatch happening. Best flies on the upper Grey Reef have been the rock worms, egg, leeches, midges, and small blue emerger patterns. 7-8 feet indicator to weights with two BB most runs. Dress for the weather as the temps have been getting colder. Browns are spawning so please stay off the reds and educate other fisherman if they aren’t aware. Let’s preserve our fisheries for our future generations! As always, we love to help, so text or call us with any of your fly fishing questions. 307.267.5161
Feb 28th 2022:
We hope you have enjoyed this cold windy winter. This has been the coldest consistently windy winter I have ever seen with little snow. But the winds have died down considerably and making for some enjoyable fishing days. We have been preparing for the season and are excited and ready to go! We had guide boats out Sat and the fishing was great as expected for this time of year. Most of our weekend trips we have rarely seen any other guide boats. Flies that worked well were red rock worms, natural pine squirrel leeches, eggs, and black midges such as mayhems and macgrubers. For most of the normal runs we ran 8-9 ft with a tin ab weight. In the deeper faster runs we ran 2-3 abs. With these cold water temps many of the takes are light and settle so be sure to set on everything or you’ll miss a lot of fish. Remember sets are free! Check the 10 day forecast, choose your least windy day with the warmest temps and call us and get on the books. Take advantage of our shoulder season rates to get $100 off full day fly fishing trips from now through March 31st. We are extremely forgiving this time of year if the weather changes and we need to cancel or reschedule. As always, we love to help, so text or call us with any of your fly fishing questions. 307.267.5161
Jan 21st 2021: As always the Grey Reef is fishing well this time of year! We have had unseasonable warm enjoyable days on the river with no one in sight! The fish are healthy and there are lots of them. We are mainly catching Rainbows and Cuttbows. Normal winter flies are working. Red or purple rock worms size 14-18. Black midges 18-22. Orange or tan scud 16-18. Brown pine squirrel leeches 10-14. Egg patterns. Check the 10 day forcast, choose your least windy day with the warmest temps and call us and get on the books. We are extremely forgiving if the weather changes and we need to cancel or reschedule. 307.267.5161
July 10th 2019:
The Reef has been fishing well. It has been a bit technical but the fish are on the feed. In the mornings we are picking up a lot of fish on black pulsating emergers, black mayhem midges, and the smallest zebra midge you can find. In the afternoons pmds and yellow sallies have been the name of the game. Our favorites right now are the Bead Head Mercer’s epoxy back pmd, the Jackson’s Sally, the Pick Pocket, and the Iron Sally. Run 5ft to an ab or a bb and hit the soft inside water. These fish are loving the drop offs in slow water, take advantage of stuff close in.
There are thousands of hoppers on the banks right now and our water temps have kept the moss at bay meaning that the rest of July through October could have some tremendously fun fishing in it.
Give us a call if you ever have any questions and treat yourself to a guided trip on one of the best trout streams in the country!
July 1st 2019:
Happy 4th of July week!! The fishing has been solid lately. We finally got the bump in flows that was needed and there are many happy fish enjoying the cooler water and softer seams. We have been fishing anywhere from 4-6ft from weight to indicator and either an AB or a BB for weight. With the bump in flows the water temps dropped changing up our bug life temporarily. Fish have been on the prowl for the smallest midges you’ve ever seen and they are munching on them willingly. A size 20 or 22 black yankee buzzer has been by far the best bug as of late, other small black or brown patterns have been producing well however, including the black tailwater tiny, the pulsating emerger, and a few small zebra midge patterns. Placing these midge patterns as your bottom fly will help out tremendously. Rock worms have produced as usual and should almost always be a part of your rig. Several PMD patterns have also found some fish including the bead head Mercer’s epoxyback PMD and the Breadcrust PMD. There are a bunch of large caddis larvae in the river right now so don’t hesitate to throw on a larger caddis pattern if you are struggling. Fish have been stacked in slower seams, off of ledges and in the flats so don’t skip over the slow stuff and start inside on most of the runs, they are there. There are quite a few fish moving to the banks making for some good hopper dropper fishing and a decent streamer bite. A yellow sally pattern or a bead headed caddis pattern seems to be the ticket for droppers. Clarity wise the river looks good down to government bridge but is quite off color after that. Don’t hesitate to contact us with any other questions and we look forward to seeing you out on the river!
April 9th 2019:
The fishing has been pretty solid! Same spring meals. Eggs, leach, worms, and midges. We have been having many warm summer like days in the 50s and 60s with low winds. Then here and there you will have a snow day or a windy day. But the harsh days are becoming less and less the norm. The fish are hungry and willing to eat!
March 14 2019:
The Gray Reef Flush has been postpones to start on March 29th and go for 10 days.
March 7th 2019:
Gray Reef Flush. The Bureau of Reclamation just released the dates/times. Flush schedule: March 18th-24th. Flows will start ramping up at 1am, will peak at 4000cfs at 4am and will be back to the normal flow of 500 cfs by 6am. This will continue for 7 days. After the first few days of the river being stirred up and cleaned out, the fishing is usually great! It stirs up the food and makes for a wonderful fishing frenzy. Let’s go fishing!
March 1st 2019:
The winter is almost over and the fish are ready and willing to eat! Guides are coming back in with great reports! Nymph fishing has been excellent along with streamer fishing! Not many fish up eating on the surface. Bugs of choice are Red rock worms, purple rock worms, natural pine squirrel leeches, egg patterns, black midges, and olive streamers.
Guide trips are $100 off during the month of March so don’t put off your chance to get great fishing at reduced rates! Combine your trip with lodging close to the river! Text or call 307.267.5161
The Grey Reef Flush & Flow isn’t far away. Generally mid March the Bureau Of Rec starts bumping up the flows in slow increments from 500 cfs to 4000cfs. They start in the morning then drop flows back down to normal by night. They continue to do this for 10 dys. The high flows clean the sand, silt, and sediment out of the entire river system. This is especially useful in creating clean gravel beds which create great habitat for Trout spawning. The first few days can stir up the water and make fishing difficult but then as the water clears by the 3rd day the fishing is excellent as it stirs up many food sources and cause the fish to go into a feeding frenzy.
October 23rd 2018: The Grey Reef flows are at 500 cfs. The fish are stacked up in the holes and they are eating well! Everything is clear and fishing well! All stretches below the bridge have little moss. The upper 12 miles down to the bridge still have some moss although much has cleared out. Baetis nymphs, pheasant tails, some caddis patterns still. Always feel free to call us if you have questions. You don’t have to buy anything to get up to date fishing reports.
August 22nd 2018: Flows are down to 1200 cfs. The fishing on Grey Reef slowed for minute only while the water cleared form a recent rainstorm that blew out the river. Everything is in good shape now! Nymphing, streamer fishing, and hopper fishing! If you like to fish dries it doesn’t get any better with a morning Trico hatch and hoppers the rest of the day and caddis in the evening!
August 3rd 2018-The Grey Reef Hopper fishing is great right now and will only get better! The nymph fishing is also good if you want to stare at an indicator. Hatches now are Pmds, Caddis, Yellow Sallies, and Trico’s. BOOK TODAY! Call us if you have any questions! 307.267.5161
April 15th 2018- The Grey Reef is fishing very well. The water has been clear from the dam all the way below town. Most of the stretches are fishing well. Flies of choice: Egg patterns, midges, bwo’s, & leeches. Let us know if you have any other specific questions!
February 27th- The fishing on Grey Reef is good like it always is this time of year! Purple rock worms, black midges, scuds, and eggs keep the fishing coming to the net regularly.
Fish and Stay package-1Nt cabin 1 Dy fishing-$450 through March 31st
Fish and Stay package-2Nt cabin 1 Dy fishing-$550 through March 31st
Let us know if you have any fishing questions! Even if your not purchasing from us we are happy to help! Text or call 307.267.5161
February 15th- It’s probably no surprise that the GreyReef is off the hook. We had over 6 doubles landed in the morning with single hook ups also. The afternoon got pretty chilly and the fishing slowed dramatically.
Take advantage of our Shoulder Season full day rates. Grey Reef /$350 for 2 people – Miracle Mile $375- Prices good through March 31st.
Fish and Stay package-1Nt cabin 1 Dy fishing-$450 through March 31st
Febuary 8th- Guide John Zawacki had a great day on the river. Here is his report. “Over all fishing was great. We had subtle takes, sometimes only pauses. Fish took well on size 10 natural leeches and size 14 purple rock worms. We took some fish on mayhem midge after the late morning hatch. Clarity is about 5 feet and still slight moss in the water. Fish are hanging around seams, shelves, and deep pools. Weight and depth vary from #4 weight in tin at 3-4 feet to an AB or 2 BBs at 8-9 feet. ”
November 15th- The Grey Reef is fishing very well! There are still plenty of fish up eating on the surface. The nymphing is HOT! The streamer fishing is decent to fair. Remember our rates are $100 off right now through February and we are doing a Thanksgiving special: Buy 1 full dy float at $350, get the 2nd dy at 1/2 off. Or buy a $300 half day and get the 2nd half day at 1/2 off. Grey Reef $350, Miracle Mile $375, & Bighorn $400. It’s Rarely windy on the Wy. Bighorn! Special can be used now through Dec. 31st. 2017. Add a cabin for Only $100 per nt. Offer ends Wed. Nov. 22nd. Reserve deal now, figure dates later. Must mention add when booking.
November 7th- The fishing on Grey Reef is very well. The nymphing is very good. Some fish are still up eating dries and some fish chasing streamers. Overall the fishing is great. Check the weather for the least wind day and book your discounted trip today! Text or call us @ 307.267.5161.
September 23rdThe dry fly fishing has been excellent on the Grey Reef.
March 3 2017- Here is your up to date Grey Reef fishing report. The Grey Reef has been fishing very well. We have definitely had some days with low wind but we have also had some strong winds. A great spring fishing option with low winds to still get a shoulder season discount is the Bighorn in WY only 2 hours from Casper. Call and get the details. 307.267.5161 Flies for the Reef are purple rock worms, black midges, orange eggs, and natural leeches.
February 13 2017- The upper 8 miles of the Grey Reef is fishing very well! Leechs, rock worms, and midges. We have boats out all week. Give us a call and take advantage of the best rate around for this time of year with the Best guides! $350 for a full day for 2 person. This rate is good until March 15th then it goes to $450.
February 1 2017- The upper Grey Reef is still frozen in a few spots from the Grey Reef dam down to the Lusby access area. That being said it is still floatable. Guides are going out frequently whether fun fishing or for guide trips. February is an excellent month to catch big fish on the Grey Reef with few crowds. Just look for days with 15 mph or less and days with 30 degrees or higher. You would be surprised how comfortable it can be with no wind if you have the right gear on! Flies working are still leechs, eggs,w rosms, & midges. Remember to always feel free to text, call, or email for friendly advice without sales pressure! 307.267.5161
January 20th 2017- Here is your Grey Reef fishing report from this weekend. Takes were fairly light and subtle with some fish barely moving the indicator. Fish size averaged between 15 to 20 inch with one brown about 18 inches. Most of the fish were found in the deeper slower tailouts. One beginner angler landed 9 fish with approximately 35 hookups. Ran about 6-9 ft rig in the deeper holes with a tin ab and about 4-5 with a bb in the shallows. Natural pine squirrel in a size 10 a size 14 purple rock worm and a small orange egg worked very well.
Stream Flow
Current Grey Reef Stream Flow Below Grey Reef Dam
Real time Grey Reef Stream flow feed directly from the Bureau of Reclamation Hourly Hydromet Plot for Gray Reef Dam. Be sure to Bookmark our Grey Reef Fishing Report!
Hot Flies
Hot Flies for Grey Reef
Typical Grey Reef Spring Rigs & Fly Selection
- purple or red rock worms #16 or smaller
- red san juan # 14-16
- brown or natural colored pine squirrel leeches #10-14
- black Mayhem midges #16-18
- tan scud #14-16
- red san juan # 14-16
Typical Grey Reef Fall Rigs & Fly Selection
- Leader & Tippet 9ft 3x leader 3x-4x tippet
- Indicator: Medium or Small size thing-a-ma-bobber
- Weight: One BB & one #4 split shot above a clinch not to 12-14″ 4x tippet
- Point Flies: orange egg, #8-12 Pine Squirrel Leeches on 12″ 3x-4x, Red San Won, Purple or red Rock Worm
- Trailer fly: #18-20 black Mayhem midge, any BWO pattern around lunch
Grey Reef Fishing & Weather Forecast
Access Map
Grey Reef Float Access Map
Fly fishing on the Grey Reef section of the North Platte is often done from a boat for a variety of reasons. One reason is that a large portion of Grey Reef Flows through Private Land. Wyoming stream laws are that anglers may float through private land so long as they do not touch bottom or drop anchor. The best way to know is to keep an eye on red signs and blue Signs. Everything downstream of a red sign signifies private water until you come to a blue sign. Keep in mind this will only apply to the side of the river you see the sign on. Download this Grey Reef float access map for details on floatable stretches, land boundaries and boat ramp locations on Grey Reef.
2017 Reports
2017 Grey Reef Fishing Report Archive
January Grey Reef Fishing Reports
January 20th 2017- Here is your Grey Reef fishing report from this weekend. Takes were fairly light and subtle with some fish barely moving the indicator. Fish size averaged between 15 to 20 inch with one brown about 18 inches. Most of the fish were found in the deeper slower tailouts. One beginner angler landed 9 fish with approximately 35 hookups. Ran about 6-9 ft rig in the deeper holes with a tin ab and about 4-5 with a bb in the shallows. Natural pine squirrel in a size 10 a size 14 purple rock worm and a small orange egg worked very well.
2016 Grey Reef Fishing Report Archive
November Grey Reef Fishing Reports
November 24th 2016- The fishing on Grey Reef has been great! Eggs, leechs, midges.
November 2nd 2016- Nothing as really changed. We still are having temps in the 60’s so we have had prolonged hatches. Still even seeing some Caddis. The nymphing is still good and the streamer fishing has been good on the right stretches and with a little help fro the clouds.
October Grey Reef Fishing Reports
October 23rd 2016- The nymphing on the upper Grey Reef is getting better in the slots between the rows of moss. The Mayfly hatch continues to keep fish on the surface river wide so if you are a dry fly fisherman now is the time to be here! Everything below Goverment bridge is still nymphing well and on cloudy days is producing fish on streamers. East of town is fishing well on streamers and even better with cloud cover and nymphs are fishing well most days but remember there are fewer fish per mile than upstream of Casper Wyoming.
October 3rd 2016– The Grey Reef continues to fish very well, especially below Government bridge. The nymphing from the bridge to Glenrock is great with very little moss. Fewer fish below Casper Wyoming but you can definitely get into some big fish. We have been getting into 2 or 3 browns a day in our recent trips on the lower Grey Reef. The birdsnest Caddis pattern is still working mid day to lunch and beyond, midges are working well in the morning and sometimes all day. Red San Juan worms are working well from the bridge down to Glenrock. Here is your upper Grey Reef fishing report. The morning have been slower with action definitely picking up considerably after lunch. The average fish size is 17-19 inches from Reef dam to bridge. Below that you can add many more fish in the 12-14 in range with less fish in the 16-19 in range with opportunities at the fish of a lifetime. Each stretch of river can very with flies that work. If you ever have questions feel free to text or call. We will never pressure you to purchase. Just friendly advice. 3072675161
Grey Reef Fly Fishing Guide Luke Keil
September Grey Reef Fishing Reports
Sept 27th 2016– We fished dry flies all morning. Then we nymphed in the afternoon. Fishing is awesome! What are you waiting for. Warm fall weather will be over before we know it. The fishing will still be good but take advantage of this weather now! I fished 3 days ago and we fished dry flies from ramp to ramp. What a hoot!
Sept 11th 2016- The flows have come down dramatically and the fishing has turned on like a light switch. The nymph fishing has just got better. The streamer fishing is great and even more so when it’s cloudy. And the dry fly fishing continues to be good with the Trico hatch continuing. Now is the time to get here! Do yourself a favor and hire a Wyoming Anglers professional guide you won’t regret. 307.267.5161 Best Flies: Black mayhem midge or mcgruber midge, tan bead headed birds nest caddis pattern after about 10.
August Grey Reef Fishing Reports
August 21st 2016- Dry fly fishing on Grey Reef has been the best I’ve seen it since I’ve been guiding here around 2003 or 2004! Not only has the morning been great fishing Trico’s but when that slows we’ve been getting a bwo hatch that has kept it going to the ramp. Exciting times! The nymphing has been good also. Tan bead headed birds nest, black mcgruber midge, and black mayhem midge. Cant go wrong with those 3 patterns!
July Grey Reef Fishing Reports
July 31st 2016- The upper Grey Reef has been fishing well with small bugs and fish of good size like 17-20. The lower reaches of the Grey Reef have been fishing well when you don’t have moss on your flies. We are seeing floats below the bridge.
June Grey Reef Fishing Reports
June 1st 2016– Yes the flows are high and have been around 7000. But fish still have to eat in high water just as we still have to eat when the wind blows or there is a hurricane. The upper Grey Reef from the dam down to Lusby has been fishing very well! Lusby down has started clearing up and fishing better and better every day. The government bridge to Sechrist section is also starting to fish well. One thing about the rivers around here is that even when something gets blown out there are almost always option to fish with waters that don’t have tributaries and are unaffected by run off. Purple rock worms size 16, red rock worms, & red san juan have been the most productive flies lately.May Grey Reef Fishing Reports
June 27th 2016– The Grey Reef flows are down to 5000 and the nymph fishing is excellent! Mainly red or purple San Juan worms, leeches, and pmd’s are working. There has been some good streamer activity. Some of our summer hatches are right around the corner which will greatly improve the dry fly game. We might even have some hopper action this summer!
May Grey Reef Fishing Reports
May 10th 2016- Central Wyoming has been experiencing continuous rainfall that has had an effect on some of our watersheds. Eagle Creek got hit and blew out the Reef again. But today it has cleared up tremendously and should be fishable Wednesday May 11th or Thursday May 12th. Fremont Canyon has been fishing well as an alternative and the after bay as they don’t have tributaries to dirty them up. And we have been taking guests over to the Bighorn 2 hours from Casper. What an incredible river. They have been bumping the flows and the streamer fishing has been good. If you are reading this and are an experienced streamer fisherman give us a call! Now is the time! Lets go have some fun! If you have any questions about the moisture affecting fishing, give us a shout! 307.267.5161
May 12th 2016- The Grey Reef is recovering well despite it looking off color. It’s fishing well again! And they will continue to bump the flows for the next week or so approximately 300 cfs per day. It should be 3000 by the 17th of May. Big water means the fish spread out and you can catch fish everywhere. And it puts a lot of fish on the bank which is a fun way to fish. Let’s hope we have hoppers this year! And high water years usually increase the Trout Population.
April Grey Reef Fishing Reports
April 1st 2016– The Grey Reef is hot right now! Blue wings having been making a small appearance for about a week or so. They should start popping soon! If you haven’t fished in the Spring, make it a priority! Let us know if you have any questions. Text or call 307.267.5161
April 4th 2016– The Casper and Alcova area recently got pounded with a foot of snow. It melted of quickly. The river has been off color from the runoff the last few days. We had 2 boats out today and we still crushed it. Lots of quality 17-21 inch fish to the boat on eggs and leeches. The river should clear up in the next day or two. Our guests today were raving about this being the best fishing they have experienced and the water was dirty. What a fantastic fishery we have been blessed with!
April 8th 2016– The Grey Reef is recovering well from the recent snowmelt. Water clarity is recovering quickly and so is the fishing!
April 23rd 2016- The Grey Reef is experiencing a Blue Wing hatch. This is when the fishing gets exciting. But wait, don’t hold on….to your line or the fish will rip the rod right out of your hands or you’ll be left flyless. Fish are eating bow’s hard! Mini rigs with with light weights are producing fish. Remember to respect fish on the spawning beds. And there are definitely some dry fly opportunities! FUN FUN
April 27th 2016– Here is your Honest up to date Grey Reef fishing report. The Casper area has experienced heavy rains and wet snows the last few days. As a result it has blown out the Grey Reef reservoir which has in turn dirtied the whole Grey Reef section of the North Platte River below it. There are 3 other options to fish that are fishing well. We will keep you posted on the Reef as it begins to clear up. Text, call or email me if you have any questions! Luke Keil/Owner/Guide 307.267.5161 / [email protected]
March Grey Reef Fishing Reports
March 15th 2016-The all day long Grey Reef flush and flows are coming to an end and the fishing has been HOT! I have had several people fish with me lately who I also booked over the phone. They have said, “I have to admit that I couldn’t hardly believe you when you told me how good the fishing was over the phone.” This river continues to boggle peoples minds as they catch fish after fish after fish of quality size in the 17-20 in range. Check out our reviews on google, Facebook (WyoAnglers), or yelp. You won’t regret choosing Wyoming Anglers and that’s a guarantee!
February Grey Reef Fishing Reports
Feb 21st 2016- Had a great day on the river today. Not a bit of wind and very nice temps all day. What a breath of fresh air after sitting behind a desk much of the winter. Congrats to Frank on a 24″ Rainbow today. No real change in flies. Midges, rock worms, and egg patterns. Remember that from now until March 16th, our full days are $100 off making them $325 for 2 guys. A cabin with our friends at the Trout on Inn, is only $100 a night through Feb. Check the forecast for a day with the least wind and warmest temps and give us a call to take advantage of our winter specials! Luke Keil/Owner/Guide 307.267.5161
January Grey Reef Fishing Reports
2/1/16- As I’m writing this Grey Reef fishing report, the snow is coming down pretty hard and consistent. So far we’ve probably had 5 inches for today and it still coming down. We had 2 guides on the water Sat. & Sun. The snow kept coming down, as did the fish to the net. But no wind! No real change in flies to report. Mainly midges, leeches and egg patterns.
1/28/16- Grey Reef has been fishing very well! I recently took a few guys fishing. They didn’t count total fish to the net but they did count 10 doubles. It’s January guys. That’s 20 fish in doubles alone. So if your wondering how the fishing is, it’s great!
January 15th 2016– The nymphing on Grey Reef has been pretty solid! An average day this time of year is 30 fish to the net per boat. Most of the takes are really subtle with these cold water temps so remember to set on everything. The weeds from Grey Reef dam down to Lusby have really cleared out making most the runs fishable.
January 1st 2016-Fishing has been great! Most of the fish are holding in the bottom of the runs or tailouts in deeper slower water. For nymphing, try eggs, brown leeches, tan scuds and black midges. A 8-9 ft leader from indicator to weight with the ability to shorten it is working well. If your streaming fishing remember to move your flies really slow with these cold water temps.
December Grey Reef Fishing Reports
December 28th 2015-The Grey Reef has been fishing pretty good with approximately 15-30 fish to the net per boat. Every trip we have been catching a lot of big fat healthy Rainbow’s with a big Brown now and again! The weeds from Grey Reef dam down to the bridge are really clearing out and opening up the runs again. Many of the fish are holding in the bottom of the runs or tailouts in deeper slower water. Flows are 500CF. For nymphing, a 7-9 ft leader from indicator to weight with the ability to shorten it. There is some sporadic dry fly fishing opportunities as well.
December 3rd 2015
We fished the upper Grey Reef again today. The fishing was pretty darn good. Almost every hole produced fish. Best flies were the orange egg, and the tan scud.
November Grey Reef Fishing Reports
November 9th 2015
Today we fished the upper Grey Reef from the dam to Lusby access and caught fish in almost every hole we tried. Most of the fish were thick hard fighting Rainbows in the 17-20 range. My guest Doug Armstrong said the fishing was epic today! I also talked to another one of our guides who fished Lusby to Chalk Bluffs and said it fished well!
November 1st 2015
The pre-spawn on Grey Reef is a great time to fish streamers for large browns ramping up for the spawn. They become extremely territorial and aggressive! Theo caught a 26+ Brown just recently. If your looking for the opportunity to catch a trophy Brown, the time is NOW!
October Grey Reef Fishing Reports
October 29th 2015
The Grey Reef Brown spawn is starting later than mid Oct because of extraordinary warm temps for Oct. Took a temp on 10/27 & it was 52 degrees. Ideal conditions for spawning are: a gravely bottom at the head of a stream, with a temperature range of 44° -48° F. So we are still a ways off. And remember that the best time to book your Miracle Mile Trophy trip is Nov. through mid Dec. Both the Reef & Mile start at different times so contact us if have questions on when to book for your best shot at a Trophy!
October 27th 2015- Sechrist to Heartnet.
The nymphing was great today. Red san juan and the black mcgruber were the dominating flies. The weather started out great then got cold and snowy. Got wet out there but the fishing was still great! Caught a nice rainbow on a streamer.
October 17th 2015-Chalk Bluffs to Heartnet
The Chalk Bluffs to Heartnet stretch fished pretty well today. Got most of our fish on nymphs using cdc cased bwos, epoxyback bwos, and the purple rock worm. Seen a few fishing rising but not as many as recently. We also threw streamers for a few minutes and fish were definitely chasing. Black seemed to be the magic. The water temp was 52 degrees so I think we are still a ways off the Brown Trout Spawn but I did see several areas of gravel that were cleaned off for spawning so…Book your Brown Trout Trip today! 307.267.5161
October 12th 2015-Chalk Bluffs to Sechrist
Chalk Bluffs to Sechrist fished pretty solid today although fishing is getting good a bit later like 9 or 10 A.M. I had the pleasure of taking local attorney Rich Jamieson and his lovely wife Janet today. Most fish caught nymphing this morning came in on purple Mcgruber midge #16-18. Then when we got to the shallow riffles we did well on very small #20-22 cdc case bwo patterns and bwo emerger patterns #20-22 running 4 foot indicator to weight and a #4 in tin. Seen a few fish on the surface eating but not like mornings past.
October 10th 2015-Chalk Bluffs to Sechrist
Tons of fish up on the surface eating Psuedos. Nymph fishing was great. No cloud cover today but we threw streamers in multiple spots today without any action. Hot flies were purple rock worm, cdc case bwo and bwo emergers, and black mcgruber midges.
September Grey Reef Fishing Reports
September 12th 2015 – Grey Reef Fishing Report Lusby to Whitetail
Lusby to whitetail fished well today!Earlier in the day size 18 mcgrubers, and smaller anatomy. Soft hackle pheasant tail and anatomies did well down to just past the bridge, where birds nests, soft hackle hares ear and larger hares ear anatomies consistently took fish.
September, 5th 2015 – Grey Reef to Lusby Fishing Report
Fishing was excellent today. Best Flies: black tail water tiny’s, halo midge, macgruber midge, graphic caddis and Anatomy all day. Fishing 5 ft and a BB in fast riffly water.
Sept 2nd 2015 – Grey Reef Flows Have Dropped to 1,000
The Bur of Rec has been decreasing the flows the last few nights on the Grey Reef section of the North Platte River. It has been at 1500 cfs and will be at 1000 cfs by Thurs Sept 3rd at 11:30 P.M. This is subject to change. We will keep you up to date.
Remember the fishing will only get better as the temps start to cool and the fish stock up on food for winter!
August Grey Reef Fishing Reports
August 24, 2015 – Fishing is still off the hook on the upper 8 miles of the Grey Reef!
Fishing is still off the hook on the upper 8 miles of the Grey Reef! My guests yesterday seemed to be amazed that the fishing could be better in the spring. This river spoils a guy. They are used to catching very small Trout at home. After awhile of catching our big fish they even starting calling our 16 inchers small.
Best Flies: bead headed mercers poxyback in riffles, crack back pmd in the morning, split back pmd in the afternoon
I used a 7 ft rig from weight to indicator. But usually had the indicator set to make it 5 ft. In some shallow areas I would use 3 ft and light weight and the fish would crush the bugs hard.
August 3rd, 2015 Grey Reef Fishing Report
Best flies this morning were Mitchell’s split case PMD, and a few on anatomies. This afternoon chocolate foam wing rs2’s and soft hackle pheasant tails with a red San Juan attractor. A couple fish came in on a hickeys auto emerger after lunch as well.
July Grey Reef Fishing Reports
July 16th 2015 – Grey Reef Fishing Well With PMD Nymphs
Black midges, cdc pheasant tails and pmds caught fish this morning. Rock worms and San Juans fished well in the afternoon. Fishing in heavier current with 4-7 ft of leader to heavy weight.
July 3rd 2015 – Grey Reef Stream Flows Reduced
The Grey Reef Flows are now at 1000. This is great news as it has helped the water temps go down. The fishing remains good.
June Grey Reef Fishing Reports
June 19th – Grey Reef Off Color But Fished Well Despite
Water color was off today at the gray reef put in. Fished well with crane fly larva and large purple rock worms. Clarity was improved by fence hole, fish taking pmds, hbi nymph and mercers poxyback, and smaller darker mayfly imitations.
June 6th- The Grey Reef is officially on fire!
If you have been waiting for the fishing to be really good. Wait no more. The fishing is insane right now! The fish are eating little bugs hard. If you hold on too tight to your line when you set, your hooks will straighten or bust off your tippet. No more need for 8 foot leaders. A 6 or 7 foot leader that you can move your indicator between 6 to 3 ft will do the job perfectly. Fishing all the skinny water many people would look right past is fishing the best! If you ever have any questions about our Grey Reef Fly Fishing Report or assistance with flies, length of leaders, best stretch to fish, anything…. We love to share our knowledge so you can go out and be successful! Even if you aren’t spending money with us. We almost always have a guide available for fresh information. If we don’t, we will have one get back to you upon request!
June 5th Grey Reef Fishing Report
Big halo midges and basically any type of baetis (grey and olive RS2s and split foam backs). PMDs are also fishing well (yellow and tan emergers and split foam backs). Fishing short and light. 2-3 foot with a quarter gram of weight.
June 2, 2015 – Grey Reef Fishing Report
Grey Reef Trout Eating Bugs! Fishing is very much on with smaller Baetis and midge imitations. The olive spectra soft hackle was the best fly of the morning for me. Black pulsating emerger did best from noon to 3, then the mayhem midge, olive soft hackle, Mercury Baetis, and purple jujubaetis. Pretty much any Baetis or midge imitation is doing very well, fished about 6 feet to a BB, right off drop offs, shelves, and in riffles. 40+ fish days seem to be the norm right now.
May Grey Reef Fishing Reports
May 25, 2015 – Grey Reef Experiencing Heavy Rains
The Grey Reef is quickly recovering from the heavy rains. Reports coming back have been excellent! Fish chowing down hard on little bugs. Blue wings and midges. This time of year is loved by all because fishing short rigs is so effective. If your holding your line to tight when the fish eats your bugs, you won’t have any left!
May 18, 2015 – Grey Reef Recovering From Heavy Rain
Grey Reef reports came back that the upper Grey Reef is recovering well from the recent rain. Fish were eating everything on the board, from many small Blue Wing Patterns to eggs and leeches. That’s one thing I love about the Grey Reef. It can get blown out and be back in excellent shape with in a day or 2. Something to always keep in mind if you are from Casper and think the whole river is dirty. Remember that it can be blow out in town and clean at the dam. The reason being that the upper 8 miles only has 1 tributary flowing in 4 miles down. But starting 11 miles down you have tributaries that blow the whole river system.
May 18, 2015 – The fishing has been excellent on Grey Reef.
Despite rain and bad fishing conditions around the country, the Grey Reef continues to drop jaws! Flows are slated to kick up to 2200 cfs on Tuesday. This will be excellent in helping the water temps decrease making it healthier for Trout and making fishing even better. If that’s possible? lol Mercers poxyback pmd, hunchbacks, hickey’s auto emerger pmd took most of our fish today. Fishing the fastest water as fishable water lanes are shrinking due to excessive weed growth. 3-5ft leaders with minimal wight most of the day.
May 15, 2015 – Grey Reef has been on FIRE!
Trout are eating Blue Wing Olives so hard that it nearly rips the rod out of your hands! If you have been wondering when to fish the Grey Reef, now is the time! The river experienced a blow out but we estimate should be back to insane fishing by Monday, May 18th or Tuesday, May 19th.
May 13, 2015 – Grey Reef Fishing Report
The Grey Reef flows have been reduced to 1,000cfs. The recent moisture blew the lower Grey Reef out below Government Bridge. The upper Grey Reef is in great shape and the fish are having a chow down on BWO’s. We have a few guide openings this weekend. Give us a call!
May 5th – Cinco De Mayo Mayhem On Grey Reef!
Hola From Casper, WY! Yesterday morning was hot, the craziest fishing I’ve seen so far!! Green mayhem midges, black mayhem midges, olive rs2, split foam back, olive Baetis soft hackle, pulsating emerger.
April Grey Reef Fishing Reports
April 30, 2015 – Grey Reef Fishing Report
Today we fished from Lusby to Whitetail below Government Bridge. It seemed to fish a little slow. Red rock worms, yellow eggs, and blue wing emergers.
April 16th, 2015 – Grey Reef Fishing Report
Good news! The Bureau of Reclamation just reported changes to the water flows at the Gray Reef. Flows were bumped from 1,500 to 1,800 cfs last night. Early this morning, they were bumped from 1,800 to 2,100 cfs. Tomorrow morning, flows will increase to 2,400 cfs and will be held there until further notice. This means fish spread out so the whole river is fishable not just holes with long gaps of rowing in between. We love high water! This means boats spread out and have more privacy.
April 14th, 2015 – Grey Reef Trout Stomach Pump Can Be Very Revealing
Grey Reef Fishing Report: After pumping a few fish stomachs you will find that they are mainly eating olive or red annelids(rock worm pattern), brown leeches, other trout eggs and blue wing olive nymphs. The fishing is excellent!
April 4, 2015 – Grey Reef Fishing Update
The Grey Reef fished very well despite winds today. Rock worms, leeches and yellow egg patterns. Don’t forget the fish are starting to key in on baetis with these warmer temps! The Reef was at 1250 cfs today and we love it. The fish are spreading out giving more water to fish and a little change of pace.
April 2nd, 2015 – Awesome Fishing to Report on Grey Reef
Grey Reef Fishing Report – Wow! Talk about great fishing!! Multiple 20″ Trout caught today! We’re getting tons of feedback from our guests who have taken trips with us recently and its all been very positive and encouraging! It’s always good to know our guides are working really hard and putting our guests onto a lot of fish. The Flush is obviously over, and water clarity is great. Weather was a little cooler yesterday but 50’s to 70’s the rest of the week. I expect this excellent fishing to only get better!!
March Grey Reef Fishing Reports
March 22, 2015 Grey Reef – Have you looked at the weather forecast lately?
MINIMAL WINDS & HIGH TEMPS from today through the weekend! 55-67 degrees. Take advantage of $100 full days this month ONLY! If you would rather save money & guide yourself, we have drift boat rentals for only $100. And one of our guides would love to give you free info to help make your trip a success! Don’t miss your opportunity to save money and enjoy excellent fishing and warm weather!
March 14, 2015 – Grey Reef Spring flush-2015
The Grey Reef flush began at midnight. It will probably be a bit off color but by 10 am the flows will be back down to 500cfs. This is when the upper Grey Reef is usually fishable again. The fishing after the 1st day of the flush is usually great as the high flows kick up a lot of food for the fish. Please keep in mind that it takes a while for the sections downstream of the upper Grey Reef to drop to it’s normal flows.
-Grey Reef Flush Information from the Bureau of Reclamation
MILLS, Wyo. — The Bureau of Reclamation, in response to a request from the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, has scheduled a series of fluctuating flows in the North Platte River downstream of Gray Reef Dam, according to Deputy Area Manager Lyle Myler.
“The purpose of the fluctuations is to improve trout reproduction in the river,” Myler said. This spring, the Wyoming Game & Fish has requested flows for ten consecutive days. The Wyoming Game & Fish will collect data before, during, and after the flushing flow in order to evaluate its effectiveness.
On March 16, flows in the river below Gray Reef Dam will fluctuate from 500 cfs to 4000 cfs
This schedule will be repeated daily on March 16 through March 25. After completing the flushing flow on March 25, the flows below Gray Reef Dam will return to 500 cfs. The schedule may be modified depending on river ice conditions.
The flushing flows are expected to clean the spawning gravels of fine sediment which has accumulated over the winter. The fluctuations in the river flow will be achieved without loss of power generation and the water released from Alcova Reservoir will be restored downstream in Glendo Reservoir.
The public is urged to use caution during this period of rapid fluctuation of flows below Gray Reef Dam.
February Grey Reef Fishing Reports
February, 27 2015- Gray Reef Spring Flush 2015
Grey Reef Fishing Report – The flushing flows have been scheduled for March 9 -18. Flows will cycle between 500 cfs to 4000 cfs daily during the 10 day period. While scheduled, river ice conditions may require the schedule to be modified. They usually crank it up at night and have it dropped back to normal by 9 am or so. Day 1 of the flush can really move mud and sediment. This causes the river to get blown out. Although dirty the upper Gray Reef can still be somewhat fishable. After this first day it gets much clearer and usually fish’s good. Usually by day 3 the fishing is excellent! The flush really stirs up the food and presents good opportunities that you don’t have other times of year! Fishing during the flush presents some very interesting opportunities that are not available any other time of year.
February 24, 2015 – Great Weather and Fishing on Grey Reef
Grey Reef Fishing Report – We had 2 Gray Reef fishing guides out today. The day was about as nice of day as a guy could have in Feb. There wasn’t a lick of wind. Of course if you know Casper, you know we don’t even count 10 mph wind. But it didn’t feel like it even blew 5mph today. We started late as we knew the temps would take a bit to warm up. We were on the water by 9:30. We were picking up a fish here and there. But by 10:30 it heated up and the fish were super active and almost every run was producing fish.
Remember if your trying to get in the most economical fly fishing vacation, now is the time! $275 full days in February, then normal winter rate of $325 for March.
Productive Flies:
- Red rock worm
- black zebra midge
- orange egg patterns
- tan scud
February 17, 2015 – Stay updated and we will let you know the best weather days to fish to take advantage of $275 February full days for 2 people.
This Week’s Weather:
- Wed 48 w/ 10-15 mph ***
- Thursday 51 w/ 10-20 mph
- Friday 44 w/ 5-10 mph ***
- Saturday 41 w/ 10-15 mph ***
- Sunday 38 w/ 5-10 mph
- Monday 45 w/ 5-15 mph ***
*** lowest wind speed combined with warmest temps!***
Here’s a little advice for fishing in Winter. Layer up and pick your highest temp day combined with your lowest wind speed. This is the secret to getting gorgeous weather, awesome fishing, seeing no one, and getting the best rate of the year! $275 full days right now. And our cabin’s are only $100 for 2 people through the end of March. March trips go back to $325 and April trips go back to Peak season rates of $425 full days. If your trying to get in the most economical fly fishing vacation, now is the time!
Feb, 15th 2015 – Grey Reef Fishing Report
Productive flies for today:
- size 20 tan scud
- size 16 red rock worm
- size 16 purple rock worm
- size 12 brown pine squirrel leech
We got some snow today, obviously, but that didn’t seem to put a damper on the fishing. Nymphing was solid, top to bottom. I took an old co worker, Kris, and his brother in law, Nick, who did not have much experience fly fishing, but within 5 minutes we were into fish, having a good time. No shame in that!
February 14, 2015 – Grey Reef has been fishing like it’s April!
For those of you who don’t know what April fish’s like, it’s ridiculous. Days of fishing where you hook fish every time your flies hit the water. Today we had many runs that we would back row and consistently catch fish every drift through! Steve remembered forgetting how many fish he had caught by the 3rd hole. And I remember the guys saying in shock multiple times ” Wow what an awesome day and there’s no one else on the water.” And it was cloudy all day. Stay updated and we will let you know the best weather days to fish to take advantage of $275 full days for 2 people.
February, 3rd 2015- Grey Reef Fishing Report
No real surprises today on the North Platte. Just 16-18 inch rainbows all day! Fishing was steady at the PMD Hole, with the Red Rock Worm size 14 being the top producer, along with a size 18 tan scud. Fished 6 to 7 1/2 foot rig (indicator to weight) with an AB or 2 BB pieces of shot. Lots of midges in the surface film around 12:30, with the fish seeming to push up into the riffle at the top of the run for that activity. Size 22 black mercury black beauty midge (tagged w/ 5x) did a good job of representing pupa, pulling a few nice fish out of the head. Could have gone a size or 2 smaller if I had ‘em!
January Grey Reef Fishing Reports
January, 30th 2015 Winter Fly Fishing Report – Grey Reef
Guides Oliver Ashenhurst and Matt Haupt came back with an amazing fishing report from Friday. They said the fishing was fantastic. We aren’t fish counters here but we want people to recognize how amazing the fishing is in winter especially on warmer days which we do always have! They counted 55+ fish to the net! That’s awesome for winter fishing on Grey Reef! They reported having 8 or 9 doubles!
Grey Reef Flies:
#18 tan scud-best fly in am
butterscotch or yellow trout bead-also pretty good in am
# 18 Red Rockworm-best fly after lunch
Remember the fishing in January and February is awesome! You will be surprised how enjoyable a day of fishing with no wind can be if your properly dressed! Give us a call to take advantage of our OUTRAGEOUS Winter Special! $150 off full days right now or $100 off 1/2 days through February ONLY. We are the ONLY outfitter offering this low of prices right now!
$275 full days for 2 people January through February ONLY
$225 1/2 days for 2 people January through February ONLY
Winter River Cabin Special: $100 for 2 people through March.
Are your wondering why these prices are so cheap? We have decided we would rather make a much smaller profit but be able to keep our guides on the river in Jan & Feb. So we thought we would give you a HUGE incentive! Don’t think that because this special is ridiculously cheap that the fishing isn’t good or the quality is cheap! The fishing has been good and you will be with the same great guides that have built our reputation for excellence! Check out our Guest Testimonies page in the upper right hand part of this page. Here’s the only catch. For this rate we aren’t including lunch’s. Bring your own or we will include them at our cost of $8.25 per person. Flies and equipment are still included! You won’t find this rate anywhere and we guarantee it! If you can, your trip is free!
January, 29 2015 Grey Reef fishing report by Wyoming Anglers Guide Matt Haupt
Hi Luke, I spent the better part of the day today picking apart the run at the Redds access area. What a beautiful day!Temperature hit 50 degrees with no wind to speak of–amazing. Water temp was 40 degrees at 1pm, and the midge hatch seemed especially thick today.
Flies that worked well today were:
Red Rock Worm- size 14
Miracle Midge- size 20
Top Secret Midge- size 22
Brown Pine Squirrel Leech- size 12
Silver/Grey Scud- size 14
Characteristics of a good guide: able to quickly determine what fish are eating naturally and put imitation on the end of your rig. This is how we train our guides. We teach them to turn rocks over, use stomach pumps and seine nets. Turning over rocks reveal what type of insects are clinging to rocks and seeking shelter under them. Gently inserting a stomach pump into the fish let’s you know exactly what they are keying in on at the time. A seine net will show you what is floating free in the water column which can differ from from the the contents you get from a stomach pump. Know that when you go with our guides they are equipped to make your trip fun & productive!!!
January 21st 2015 – Grey Reef Fishing Report
Guides Oliver Ashenhurst & Matt Haupt were out today. Here is an honest, unfiltered Grey Reef Fishing Report from Matt:
Hi Luke, Good action today. Fished Reef to Lusby and got on the water about 9:45-there were a couple other boats putting in as well. The best Oliver and I can say is about 25-30 fish. Top producing flies were butterscotch trout bead and tan uv scud, fished mainly at about 6 feet. 3-4 feet for some shallower sections. A few fish were landed on a sowbug, and also olive streamers brought up a few nice fish. Weather was a little brisk but very calm with some snow here and there. I would say activity dropped off a little around 3 or so, but we were still catching fish. Oliver should have a few pictures on his go pro, you might want to see what those look like, but here are the ones that I took.
Remember the fishing in January and February is awesome! You will be surprised how enjoyable a day of fishing with no wind can be if your properly dressed! Give us a call to take advantage of our OUTRAGIOUS Winter Special! $150 off full days right now or $100 off 1/2 days through February ONLY. We are the ONLY outfitter offering this low of prices right now!
$275 full days for 2 people January through February ONLY
$225 1/2 days for 2 people January through February ONLY
Winter Cabin Special: $100 for 2 people through March.
January, 11th 2015 – Grey Reef Fishing Reports
Grey Reef fly fishing Guide Matt Haupt floated the upper and came back with a great report. He said the weather was fantastic! You be the judge of whether the fishing was good or not. They boated 9 fish and only had 1 person fishing in the boat. He said it was pretty consistent but noon to 3 was most productive. Top flies were the brown pine squirrel leech and a peach mottled trout bead.
January, 8th 2015 – Wyoming Fishing Report Gray Reef
The Gray Reef has been fishing pretty good when the weather allows! The Gray Reef is a miraculous fishery. This place is as a CONSISTENT fishery as any I know of. 99% of the time(literally), you can catch fish here, and most of the time it fish’s UNBELIEVABLY well! Of course the fishing slows down a little in the winter compared to the summer months when 2 guys can put 80 fish in the net, but it still fish’s great! If your reading this and have bad luck there might be something you are doing wrong. We would love to share our experience with you to increase your odds in being successful on the water. Give us a call!
January, 7th 2015 Gray Reef Fishing Report
We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and new years!
The weather on the Gray Reef is supposed to be in the mid to high 30′s this Saturday and Sunday. We have guides and cabins(open to public) available at the 1st public take out below the upper Gray Reef. The river is open as the recent warm weather has de-iced the river well below Government bridge. The river is free of moss as the prior cold spells have killed most of the mossy vegetation making more wadeable water on the upper Gray Reef. The fish will be biting and the sun will be shining. You will be surprised how enjoyable a day of fishing with no wind can be in the winter if your properly dressed! Give us a call to take advantage of our outrageous winter rates!
Winter special: Cabin $100 for 2 people
Guide$275 for 2 people if you book by this Thursday evening-otherwise $325-Includes lunch with hot soup and rods
Nymphing: brown pine squirrel leeches, 18-20 black midges in variation, eggs-Set your hook on the slightest movement this time of year
Streamers: Coffee minnow, goldie, sex dungeon’s -Very slow stripping this time of year.
January, 6th 2015 – Gray Reef Guide Report By Matt Haupt
Your going to start hearing more about Matt Haupt, so I want to take a minute to express my excitement in bringing him on board with Wyoming Anglers! Him and his wife Amanda are from Colorado. It’s been Matt’s dream to become a fly fishing guide. Well we’re excited in being a part of seeing his dream come true! We offered Matt a full time job a few weeks ago. He accepted and they immediately put their house on the market, started looking for houses in Casper and quickly bought a home. But long before he had the assurance of getting a job, he started driving from Denver(4-1/2hrs 1 way) every weekend(in the winter) to float the Gray Reef in preparation to make the move. He diligently searched Craigslist for a boat, found a good deal and pulled the trigger immediately. Before Matt was ever offered a job he showed diligence, motivation, dedication, and other good character traits. Just watching him and his wife in this transition, I know that Matt will quickly become one of our best guides!
Matt and his wife continue to come down and float 2 days every weekend in order to learn the river thoroughly. They are moving 2 months early to float the river daily and get dialed on Gray Reef fishing. Hiring Matt was a difficult decision because I had many experienced applicants. Training a guide up to Wyoming Anglers requirement’s, takes much time and effort. We don’t just trust anyone with our guests! One thing I have learned in life. A person can become skilled in his trade with time and hard work, but character and a good personality cannot be implemented in a person. They either have it or they don’t. There are many a guide who are highly experienced that I would not enjoy spending the day on the river with. And their are people who have great personalities that are fishy & sharp, who will become great guides quickly because of heart and work ethic. Our guide Oliver Ashenhurst is one of these guys and I’m sure Matt will be the same! Matt welcome aboard!
Luke Keil/Owner/Gray Reef Guides
2014 Grey Reef Fishing Report Archive
Grey Reef Fishing Reports – December 2014
December 20th – Fishing Report Grey Reef to Lusby
Gray Reef Fishing Report – Guide Matt Haupt and I spent the morning fishing from Gray Reef to Lusby. The fishing was very good and the weather was very nice with no wind! We caught a bunch of Rainbows and 1 Brown, mainly on brown pine squirrel leeches.
December 17th 2014- Grey Reef Fishing Report
Grey Reef Fishing Report – Don’t let the winter keep you from fly fishing. Just keep checking the weather a week to 10 days out. With the right clothing, a 30 degree day with 5 to 10 mph wind can be very comfortable! You will be shocked at how well the Gray Reef fish’s and how few of people you see this time of year! This Saturday’s weather is looking great in the mid 30′s and we have a guide opening.
December 12th- Grey Reef Report
Grey Reef Report – Tony Cooper and I floated from the Lusby access area down to Government bridge on the Grey Reef section for a half day of fly fishing. Wow what an amazing day it was! I had to shed most of my upper layers as it got pretty warm! Hardly any wind and the fishing was fantastic. Tony said he lost count after landing 15 Rainbow’s.
Most productive flies: brown pine squirrel leeches, small roe colored trout beads, and blue wings patterns around 11am. Yep you heard it. We have had a blue wing hatch this week several days with the warmer temps.
Don’t let the winter keep you from fly fishing. Just keep checking the weather a week to 10 days out. With the right clothing, a 30 degree day with 5 to 10 miles per hour wind can be very comfortable! You will be shocked at how well the Gray Reef fish’s and how few of people you see this time of year!
December 10th – Gray Reef Fishing Report
Gray Reef Fishing Report – Grey Reef guide Oliver Ashenhurst went out today with his Casper College Professor and another guide Kody. The fishing wasn’t as lights out as yesterday but it was still pretty darn good. Egg patterns and midges were the most productive.
If you need any assistance with flies, length of leaders, best stretch to fish, anything…. We love to share our knowledge so you can go out and be successful on your own! Even if you aren’t spending money with us. We almost always have a guide available for fresh information.
December 9th 2014- Grey Reef Fishing Report
Grey Reef Fishing Report December -Wow!!! What an amazing day of fishing on the Grey Reef. The temps reached 50 degrees and there was hardly any wind and not a cloud in the sky. It was warm enough that even the Blue Wings came out to tease the Trout. Now remember its December. We experienced excellent nymph fishing from Grey Reef ramp all the way to the Lusby ramp! I tryed counting fish just for the sake of this report, but lost track after 10 fish before lunch, and I only had Brandt in the boat. He even commented at the end of the day “we didn’t have any lulls today, except for lunch.” I guess we shouldn’t have stopped for lunch. lol We only saw one other boat on the river all day. And this is precisely why Brandt said he comes to fish the Grey Reef this time of year.
We threw streamers a handful of times with success almost every time. And I’m sad to say it but I know we lost 2 huge fish. You can always tell by their fight. The big ones are just heavy and pull slow. We also caught fish swinging the flies as opposed to just stripping them in. Even though you wouldn’t think it true by their fight, this time of year the fish are more lethargic than when the water temps are warm. So remember to slow strip those bugs.
And yes the fish were coming to the surface eating Blue Wings. At the end of the day near the Lusby ramp, there were fish all over the place sipping. What a sight in December!
Flies of choice: Brown Pine squirrel leeches, Blue Wing patterns
Grey Reef Fishing Reports – November, 2014
November 15th, 2015 – All stretches of the Grey are fishing very well!
Saturday had some some gusty winds but my guests Grant & Lee still said they had the biggest Trout they have ever caught and the most in one day! Our guides will work hard and do what it takes to make sure your day on the Gray Reef is successful, even on windy days! The upper is really picking up and fishing awesome! Lots of big Rainbow Trout with an occasional monster Brown. Nymphing is awesome with many opportunities to cast a dry fly here and there. The streamer fishing has been ok to good many days depending on the cloud cover. Often times this isn’t the way to catch a ton of trout but you can definitely get into some of Gray Reefs largest fish this way. I had some big fish chase the 3-4 inch game changer which was pretty exciting to watch. And for those of you who don’t know what the game changer is. It’s a newer rainbow trout fly imitation that is 3-4 inches long that has 3 or 4 joints in the tail to create live action. But fishing smaller streamers will often put you on more fish. Productive Flies: brown & natural pine squirrel leeches, red rock worms, orange and chartreuse eggs, black midges in morning, all sorts of blue wing patterns 11 am on, grey foam post rs2′s, Productive Streamers: coffee minnow, black gold bead head wooly bugger, crawdizzle, white goldie, sex dungeons in olive & tan.
Grey Reef Fishing Reports – October 2014
October 26th – Grey Reef Brown Trout Spawn
Grey Reef Fishing Report – The Brown Trout Spawn isn’t happening yet but they are staging. We aren’t landing 24″+browns every day like we were this time last year but they are being landed here and there and we aren’t far away. The cool temps in the forecast for next week will definitely expedite the process. Max Lewis caught a 25 inch Brown at the Miracle Mile yesterday. Don’t wait and wish you would have booked a trip to get a trophy Brown Trout!
October 21st – Wind Day on Grey Reef
Grey Reef Fishing Report – The Grey Reef was windy today. But even on windy days it is VERY possible to have a very productive day with the hard working, back rowing, motivated, out to give you the best experience, guides that you will find when booking with Wyoming Anglers! Check out our Guest Testimony tab to see what our other guests say about how hard our guides work. In fact our guests for today just sent me a text. Scroll down to the bottom if you would like to read it. Have you ever had a guide just row down the river and not change your bugs? That don’t happen with our guides. If it did, we will refund your money and fire the guide. lol Productive Patterns today: Beads in Chartreuse and Orange, brown and natural pine squirrel leeches(almost always a good pattern in the wind)
October 18th – Grey Reef Fishing Report
Grey Reef Fishing Report – Guess what time it’s getting to be? Big brown time! We are already starting to land some big browns! The Brown’s are staging and will be getting more and more aggressive. Set up your trip up now to go after the big brown’s the North Platte River is known for! The weather the next 10 days is looking to be close to 70 degree’s! Talk to Luke or Linda to schedule your trip!
As far as flies, nothing has really changed. Look at the lower reports to view productive flies.
October 11th – Grey Reef Fishing Conditions
Grey Reef Fishing Report – Here’s a text Wyoming Anglers guest Alex Gillespie sent me from his trip on Sunday after fishing the Grey Reef from Lusby to Government bridge for a half day. ”Had a great trip today with Oliver on the river. He did a great job and even with all the rain we caught lots of fish.” Usually even the off weather days around here still produce a lot of fish!
If you have an antelope or some other hunting adventure booked and finish early, we WELCOME last minute reservations so give us a call!
Also if you are interested in taking advantage of our new guide special, scroll down to Oct 5th fishing report and read about it.
Our guides are already bringing some nice Brown Trout, but expect that to increase dramatically as the browns become more aggressive from here into November & December! They are already staging for the spawn.
The Grey Reef on the North Platte River is still fishing great as always! Nothing really has changed other than the Trico’s are coming to an end. Still some Caddis activity and Pseudos are going strong. Nymphing is great with some dry fly action and streamer opportunities producing big fish
Productive flies:
graphic caddis
red & purple san juan worms
brown pine squirrel leeches
mo hair leeches
blue wing patterns
grey foam back rs2′s
juju baetis
sparkly wind rs2
white bo river buggers
vanilla buggers
some yellow streamers
October 2nd – Upper Grey Reef Fishing Report
Grey Reef Report- The upper Grey Reef fished pretty good today. All fish were 16-20 inches. A 5 to 7 foot rig worked well. Remember that this time of year we don’t recommend people float up here that aren’t familiar with it. The water is really hard to read because all the moss on the edges really slows the current down. You have to know the slots and even for an experienced guide it’s a lot of work. With that said, it is worth the extra effort to catch the size of fish this stretch produces. Flies: Graphic caddis, birds nest caddis, grey foam post Rs2, crawdizzle.
Grey Reef Fishing Reports – September 2014
September 26th – Grey Reef Dam to Casper Fishing Well
Grey Reef Fishing Report – Nothing really new to report on the fishing except that everything high to low on the North Platte River River below the Grey Reef dam is fishing excellent right now. The streamer fishing has been good sometimes depending on cloud cover, the dry fly fishing has been pretty good and the nymphing has been great! We are having consistent hatches of trico’s and pseudos and caddis(evenings), giving way to good dry fly opportunities. If you have an antelope or some other hunting adventure booked and finish early, we are excepting last minute reservations so give us a call! Flies working for our North Platte River Fishing guides are birds nest caddis pattern, grey or brown foam post rs2, gold bead pmd split foam back, bead headed bwo split foam back, crawdizzles,red or purple san juans, brown pine squirrel leeches.
September 16th – Grey Reef Fishing Conditions
Grey Reef Fishing Report- The Upper Grey Reef to Lusby was a tad off color today but fished very well! Our guest’s were catching a lot of nice sized fish between 14-20 all day long with more on the 16-20 average. Flies working for our guides are birds nest caddis pattern, grey or brown foam post rs2, gold bead pmd split foam back, bead headed bwo split foam back. Government Bridge downstream to Casper is fishing very well. Once you get below Government bridge the fish size decreases.
September 9th – Great Day on the North Platte
Grey Reef Fishing Report – We had 3 boats on the upper Grey Reef today. Wow was it a pleasant surprise to see it fishing so well. We caught a ton of fish and the size was 14 to 18 inches regularly. Brown pine squirrel leeches, birds nest caddis or similar tan bead headed patterns, and Mark Bonam’s bead headed flash back pmd. There were many fish feeding on the surface.
September 8th – Quick Update on Grey Reef
Grey Reef Fishing Report- Government Bridge down to Robertson road is fishing very well. Red san won worms, birds nest caddis nymph, crawdad patterns, #20 bead head pheasant tail were the top producing flies the last couple days.
Grey Reef Fishing Reports – August 2014
August 7th – Grey Reef Fishing Update
Grey Reef Fishing Report-The afterbay fished well this morning with black zebra type midges performing the best. Fish also came in on trico nymphs and chocolate rs2′s. If you ever need assistance with length of leader, flies, best stretch to fish, anything…we love to share our knowledge to make you successful!
August 28th – Fishing is Off the Hook!
Grey Reef Fishing Report -The weather has been great this last week and we expect the Grey Reef flows to be dropped from 1500 to 1000 CFS near the beginning of September. With the cool temps we have been having we expect the dry fly, streamer, & nymphing action to get even better! We have experienced some rain staining the water a bit but we expect it to recover within a day or so. Streamer action has been GREAT and is really picking up steam from the bridge downstream, especially with some cloud cover. During these dark cloudy days black streamers or darker olive colors have been our top producing streamers. White and vanilla colors have been good with more sunshine. Dry fly action has been sporadic to good depending on the stretch you fish. Nymphing has been decent to pretty darn good depending on the stretch you fish
Grey Reef dam to Lusby is still weedy on the edges. The Trico dry fly fishing has been weak for this time of year but there are still a few fish being taken on the surface. The nymphing on this stretch has been a little slower than normal this time of year but is picking up speed with cooling water temps. This stretch always produces the bigger fish even though it may be fewer. There are better stretches of the river to fish if your wading though. Also for the average drifter we wouldn’t recommend floating this high on the Grey Reef this time of year unless your ready to get it handed to you. To do well on this piece you need to be very familiar with where the fish lie this time of year, and be fishing it every day to be dialed.
Government bridge downstream to Sechrist is fishing about the best right now. This stretch has much less moss than the upper. It has been handing over the most fish and the bigger fish consistently while nymphing than most of the downstream stretches. Fishing the riffles with mini rigs 3 to 4 feet have been top producing. Deeper runs are also producing before lunch, with slower runs being slower after lunch. Caddis are flying around pretty good and fish can be taken on the surface especially later in the afternoons.
Nymph patterns: red san juans, birds nest(tan caddis with gold bead head) hot head mo hair leeches, brown and orange pine squirrel leeches.
Bessemer Bend to Robertson Road has been producing pretty well but not very big fish. Lot’s of small fish down here. We are thinking we had a lot of big fish die down here last season when the water was pure mud for so long. It’s sad but this river is so healthy with young fast growing fish it recovers pretty quick!
Robertson Road to Watco or Mills bridge has been pretty good nymphing. The deeper slower runs haven’t been nymphing well but the rifles fishing a mini rig from 2 to 4 feet with hook ups almost every cast if your dialed on your rig and placement.
August 20th – An Honest Fishing Report Update
Grey Reef Fishing Report- The Upper Grey Reef from the Dam to Lusby and down to Government Bridge has been fishing pretty tuff recently. There are fish to be caught, but not without some thought and a lot of work. Normally this time of year it fishs pretty solid for a knowledgable, hard working guide that has been fishing every day that knows where the fish are inbetween weed beds. This year has been a little different. The water that has been fishing the best has been downstream of Government Bridge. This water has much less moss. For wade fisherman and people floating who aren’t really familiar with the uppper Grey Reef, we would recommend you float downstream of the bridge. The upper this time of year is normally difficult if you aren’t super familiar with the water because you can’t really read the runs because of the moss. To have a good day up there, you have to know were the fish are holding from rowing it every day. Flies of choice: pheasant tails, pmd’s, caddis patterns with gold beads, crawdizzles, red rock worms, variations of foam post Rs2′s, red & purple San Juans, pine squirrel leeches, & hot head leeches.
August 18th – Grey Reef Fishing Report
The upper Grey Reef is getting pretty weedy but Government bridge to Sechrist seems to be fishing about the best right now. The moss isn’t too bad and it has the next highest level of water clarity. Flies of choice: pheasant tails, pmd’s, crawdizzles, red rock worms, foam post Rs2′s, red & purple San Juans.
August 12th – Grey Reef Fishing Great!
The upper Grey Reef has recovered from the rain very well and is fishing great! The lower sections of the Grey Reef are still off color and might take a bit. As soon as we have clear water and start fishing them again we will give you a report. Flies are pretty much the same.
August 7th – Rainy Conditions
Eagle Creek and Blue Creek got some rain. It blew the Reef out momentarily. Good news is that it usually recovers quickly. We had 6 inches of visibility this morning and 12 inches around 4 pm. Our guides fished the top of Grey Reef Reservoir were it’s river like. It was an excellent alternative and it fished very well towards the lower part. My guess is that Grey Reef section will be much clearer and fishing good to great by Friday and excellent again on Sat. We will keep you up to date when we hear from our guides. Don’t forget this is the time to have incredible Trico & Pmd DRY FLY FISHING for the morning for hald a day!! Read yesterdays report.
August 6th – Fishing on Grey Reef Incredible!
Grey Reef Fishing Report- We had an incredible day DRY FLY FISHING today. We caught fish on the surface all morning until lunch. Fish were eating tricos and pmds on the surface. Dave just couldn’t talking about how this was the best day of fishing he can remember. I told him it was the funnest day of fishing I have had in a long time too! Ain’t no better way to fish than watching Trout slurp your flies off the surface!! O ya, and the nymphing is really good too!
Grey Reef Fishing Reports – July 2014
July 27th – Dry Fly Action on Grey Reef
Grey Reef Fishing Report- The Trico dry fly fishing on the Grey Reef is starting to get really good. For nymphing Pmds and Midges. For dry fly fishing Trico’s.
July 18th – Fishing on Grey Reef is Silly!
Grey Reef Fishing Report – The fly fishing on the upper Grey Reef is silly. If you like to catch big browns on streamers(23′plus), well we know some areas that are producing them. If you like to catch a ton of great sized fish all day long averaging 17-21 inches, well we have the guides that can make it happen! O and they are patient and fun to fish with too! No grouchy guides here. Was your last experience on the Grey Reef with a grouchy guide? Check out our NEW 100% GUARENTEE under values on the front page. Top Flies- Red rock worms, merceres poxyback pmds, Mark Boname’s split foam back pmds bead headed and non, any cdc emerger pmd patterns, white bow river buggers.
July 14th – Stellar Fishing on Grey Reef!
Grey Reef Fishing Report – Fishing has been stellar in the morning and afternoon. Large PMD were popping all over the place with bigger PMD patterns fishing all day. Purple rock worms fished very well as well at around 6 ft to an AB. Fished are stacked on the inside seams of faster moving water. Starting as far inside and possible then moving out seems to be the best tactic by a long shot. Dave and Adrian had twenty doubles and boated around 70 fish today with several at or over the 20″ mark.
July 10th – Grey Reef Fly Fishing Report
Grey Reef Fishing Report – As I was heading out to pick up my guests at our lodge, I looked over and realized that the lower sections had cleared up. I was so used to them being dirty because of all the moisture we had, it caught me by surprise. I drove down to the Sechrist put in and sure enough it was much clearer. So I took the Selch group for their last day of their 4 day fishing trip from Sechrist to Government Bridge. The fishing was very good! What a breath of fresh air. Mainly the top 12 miles of the Grey Reef has been clear enough to fish since spring. So it is very nice to spread boats out. We only saw one other boat all day. Red San Juan, red rock worms and brown pine squirrel leeches were fly of choice.
July 8th – Flow on Grey Reef at 3000 CFS
Grey Reef Fishing Report – The Grey Reef is flowing nearly 3000 CSF and fishing fantastic! Beautiful 23 inch Rainbow Trout landed by Michael Selch today. ”As a guide I wanna say I love high water! It’s great because the fish spread out and give you many more places to catch the fish. And it spreads the boats out.”
Flies of choice: Red rock worms, black & brown midges in the am, pmds.
July 7th- Grey Reef Holding Steady
Grey Reef Fishing Report – Nothing has changed on the Grey Reef as far as fishing goes except it’s getting a bit warmer, but the fishing has been great! Just ask our friends Michael and Jean Selch who returned again this year. They decided it’s awesome enough that they needed 4 straight days on our amazing Wyoming waters. There’s a reason that we get people who fish all over, who come here and book multiple days. Because the fishing cannot be beat! Big fish after fish after fish after fish.
Grey Reef Fishing Reports – June 2014
June 22nd – Grey Reef Fishing Report
Grey Reef Fishing Report – Water flows have increased to 1250 cfs. Rock worms, San Juan’s, hot head leeches, lighter PMD nymphs, caddis, and yellow sallies all working well. Cloudy but fishable below Government Bridge until river settles after flow increase.
June 19th – Flows increase to 1000 CFS
Grey Reef Fishing Report – Water flows have increased to 1250 cfs. Rock worms, San Juan’s, hot head leeches, lighter PMD nymphs, caddis, and yellow sallies all working well. Cloudy but fishable below Government Bridge until river settles after flow increase.
June 17th – Grey Reef Update
Grey Reef Fishing Report – Small gray midges early in the morning. Light colored soft hackle caddis patterns, rust pale morning duns, and yellow sally. Clarity is good. Flows at 802 CFS. Fishing is consistently productive throughout the day.
June 16th – Hot Flies of the Day
Grey Reef Fishing Report – Bugs that were working for us today include caddis, yellow sallies, rock worms, and natural pine squirrel leeches. Success with black midges early in the morning. Water flowing at 800 CFS and clearing up.
June 12th – Fishing on Grey Reef is Most Excellent!
Grey Reef Fishing Report – Yes our Grey Reef fishing guides are coming back with EXCELLENT reports. After pumping the stomachs of a few fish you will find that Pale Morning Dun’s are quickly becoming one of the main food sources for Trout right now. Also Caddis are popping around much more frequently. This means dry fly action especially in the afternoons is gonna heat up. The current water flows have recently been bumped to 800 cfs which has spread more fish out, meaning we have been able to find fish in more spots. The guides are loving the higher water and are hoping it will increase even more quickly! Check out our $40 off deal for a half or full day though June 30th. Check our site regularly for the deals that we often run! Just mention the report when you book to receive the discount.
FLIES of choice: Mercer’s Poxyback, Mark Bonam’s split foam back pmd(can be purchased @ Platte River Fly Shop), Light cream egg patterns, & hairs ears.
June 10th – Seeing Doubles!
Grey Reef Fishing Report – Doubles doubles. Lots of doubles!! Why? Because the fish are so hungry & our guides know how to catch them enough that the 2 guests in each boat are both hooking fish at the same time. What else can I say. All of our guests are coming back ranting & raving about the best fishing they have experienced & our Casper fly fishing guides that made it happen. Come & see if it’s a myth. If you think it is we will give you your money back!!!
June 7th – Fishing heavy on Grey Reef
Grey Reef Fishing Report- Today we were fishing six foot AB in most runs. Dark pine squirrel leeches have been our top fly.Crawdads and rock worms have also done well the last few days as water is a little chalky. The flows out of Grey Reef Dam are at 714 CFS.
June 6th – Fishing is Stellar!
Grey Reef Fishing Report – Another stellar day on the reef. Water flows were increased to 800 cfs today. The increase in flow has caused the fish to spread out, which has only added to the number of good fishing spots. No wind, excellent water clarity, and lots and lots of fish. Luke and Oliver, two of our star guides, are entertaining the Steffen family from Minnesota. Pale Morning Duns have been the fly of choice. Still have a few opening for this weekend.
Grey Reef Fishing Reports – May 2014
May 29th – Grey Reef Fishing Update
Grey Reef Fishing Report – Another stellar fishing day on the Grey Reef! The clarity of the water on the Reef to Lusby stretch has made a complete recovery from last week’s blowout. Minimal cloud cover with almost no wind. We watched one of our guests catch a 24 1/2 inch rainbow trout. We are getting excellent results with the pale morning dun.
May 28th – Amazing Day on Grey Reef
Grey Reef Fishing Report- Another great day fishing Reef to Lusby. The water clarity is still recovering from the blowout last Friday, but the fishing was still excellent. (The great fishing, in spite of the blowout, is a testament to the high density of the fish population in the Grey Reef area.) One of our senior guides believes that this week is THE best that he has ever seen the Grey Reef fish in less-than-ideal water clarity conditions.
McGruber and Bionic Midges #20, small chocolate leeches #14 and peach egg patterns all worked extremely well throughout the day.
May 27th – Grey Reef is Recovering Quickly
Grey Reef Fishing Report – The Grey Reef is recovering quickly from the run off from the big rains we have had the past week. Guides are coming back with excellent reports(They did even when the water was dirty). We are still getting a good midge hatch followed by a great blue wing hatch that is giving some excellent dry fly opportunities.
Top producing flies: Mayhem midges, Pals midge, grey rs2 patterns, brown pine squirell leeches(especially in dirty water), and egg patterns.
May 26th – Dirty but Productive
Grey Reef Fishing Report- The Grey Reef was still fairly dirty today, but fishing was surprisingly productive. Although numbers were down slightly, more than half of fish caught today were at least 18″. Egg patterns, leeches, pheasant tails, midges and dark wooly boogers all caught fish. Flows are still down but we should expect to finally see them raised sometime in June.
May 25th- Grey Reef Fishing Report
Grey Reef Fishing Report- A few days ago the Grey Reef was blown out and many were having to adjust their plans accordingly. Not the case today! Reef to Lusby is fishing very good. We took out one of our locals and a guest of his for some holiday fun, and they more or less have had the river to themselves. We’ve watched the two of them catch at least thirty fish total including five doubles (this is at the three hour mark…they are not even done). Ledge Creek is not dumping dirty water in. We’ve had great success with brown pine squirrel leeches and chartreuse egg patterns.
May 18th- Grey Reef is on FIRE!
Grey Reef Fishing Report- The Grey Reef is on FIRE. All of our guides are coming back with excellent reports. There are a lot of fish eating on the surface.
Flies working were split case bwo’s, mayhem midges, rockworms, and small egg yolk molten egg patterns.
May 10th- Good News on Grey Reef
Grey Reef Fishing Report- Exciting News!! Bear Creek is done puking in dirty water into the Grey Reef. Also Bolten Creek just above Government Bridge is puking in much less which has cleared up the Government Bridge to Sechrist section of the lower Grey Reef. This means 12 more miles of excellent Trout fishing water for the guides to spread out on. We had 2 boats float this stretch today and the guides came back with insane fishing reports.
Flies working on this section: Red San Juan, Black leeches, Chartreuse Trout Eggs, and all the normal BWO patterns.
May 6th- Quick Update
Grey Reef Fishing Report- Cable to cable on the upper Grey Reef is open now, but please respect the spawning beds and don’t fish to actively spawning Trout.
Hot flies-Pal midge size 18-20, traditional grey RS2 size 18-20 with white antron wing casing, JRs emerger size 18-20. The midges worked great until noon then bwo patterns dominated.
Grey Reef Fishing Reports – April 2014
April 24th – Updated Grey Reef Fishing Report
Grey Reef Fishing Report- We apologize for our lack of reports. We have tripled buisness this month from last year and have been slammed. But we are bringing on our new manager Mike Cridlebaugh and we are excited about his enthusiasm and dedication to excellence. Are you wondering if the fishing is good and if you should be here right now? The answer is YES! The fishing as our last group of fisherman stated is “epic”.
Eggs, midges and rs2 blue wing patterns are top producing flies.
April 11th – HOT, HOT, HOT!
Grey Reef Fishing Report – The fly fishing on the upper Grey Reef is on FIRE. Every guide and guest are coming back with phonominal reports! Pictured to the left is John holding a 9 & 1/2 lb walleye. We will tell you how it tasted tomorrow.
High producing flies are red rock worms, black leeches, sparkle wing rs2s, copper rib rs2s, juju baetis, and egg patterns.
Grey Reef Fishing Reports – March 2014
March 26th – Hungry Trout!
Grey Reef Fishing Report – The Grey Reef flush is over and the fishing is silly! The river is clean and the fish are hungry!
March 22nd – Grey Reef Update
Grey Reef Fishing Report- The weather today was a little on the frigid side but the fishing was still insane! Don’t let the Denver Post fool you. The Flush has stirred up a lot of food and the Trout fishing is insane! Yet another group today that has fished here before and said it was their best day here on the Grey Reef. Not many fish were landed under 17 inches. The fishing today seemed a bit slower than yesterday and and our guests still estimated over 50 fish to the net and more than that came off. If these numbers are hard to believe, come fishing with our guides and make it a reality!
March 21st- Flush is Stirring up Food!
Grey Reef Fishing Report- The Platte River below the Grey Reef is on Fire. The Flush has stirred up a lot of food and the Trout fishing is insane! We had 1 group today that has fished the Platte River for 10 years and today was the best day of fishing they have had here yet! There testimony will be updated to our testimony page very soon.
March 18th – Grey Reef Flush Day 2
Grey Reef Fishing Report- The 2nd day of the flush started early this morning. The water is recovering well and looking better. The roads from 487 to Alcova are closed, so the Grey Reef in currently inaccessible. We have been talking with guests who are fearful of fishing the Grey Reef during the flush because of bad information out there. As a company we try to shy away from doing trips the first day of the flush because the water gets stirred up and can be dirty. But usually it fish’s well after that. Be sure and talk to the professionals who fish the Grey Reef year round before make a decision not to fish here during the Grey Reef flush. Good reports have come back from those who fished yesterday, and we expect the fishing to only get better with each day.
March 17th- Grey Reef Flush Day 1
Grey Reef Fishing Report- The flush started early this morning on the Grey Reef. The water is recovering surprisingly well and will only continue to look better with each day of flushing. Everything below government bridge is blown out. Keep in mind that the flush is back to it’s normal flow of 500 cfs by 10am each morning. Then the fishing is usually good. It doesn’t take long for the fish to find their places again and continue doing what they do best.
March 10th- Grey Reef 2014 Flush Schedule
*In the recent Game & Fish meeting regarding TROUT BEADS they ruled that it is legal to Peg an EGG if your using a fly(i.e. rockworm) 2 inches or less below an egg.
Remember that the Grey Reef flush for the North Platte River is scheduled for March 17-26 unless it postponed again due to more winter weather. Also remember that the fishing is typically good during the flush. Usually the first day can cloud the waters a little but even the 1st day has fishable conditions. After the first day or so it can fish exceptionally well!
**”On March 17, flows in the river below Gray Reef Dam will fluctuate from 500 cfs to 4000 cfs according to the following schedule:
The flushing flows are expected to clean the spawning gravels of fine sediment which has accumulated over the winter. The fluctuations in the river flow will be achieved without loss of power generation and the water released from Alcova Reservoir will be restored downstream in Glendo Reservoir.”This schedule will be repeated daily on March 18 through March 26. After completing the flushing flow on March 26, the flows below Gray Reef Dam will return to 500 cfs. The schedule may be modified depending on river ice conditions.
****The above info. in bold letters is quoted from the Bureau of Reclamation.
We will keep you up to date on any new information obtained regarding the March 2014 Grey Reef flush & flows for the North Platte River Flush.
March 9th – Purpose of the Grey Reef Flush on the North Platte River
The purpose of the fluctuations is to improve trout reproduction in the river, according to Coleman Smith, Wyoming Area Manager. “In the past, spring flushing flows have occurred during five consecutive weekdays. Last spring, the Wyoming Game & Fish requested flows for 10 consecutive days,” Smith said. “However, the flushing flows had to be terminated after seven days due to a loss of generating capacity at Fremont Canyon Powerplant. This spring, the Wyoming Game & Fish again requested flows for 10 consecutive days. The Wyoming Game & Fish will collect data before, during, and after the flushing flow in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the longer duration flush.” The flushing flows are expected to clean the spawning gravels of fine sediment which has accumulated over the winter. The fluctuations in the river flow will be achieved without loss of power generation and the water released from Alcova Reservoir will be restored downstream in Glendo Reservoir.
****The above info. in bold letters is quoted from the Bureau of Reclamation.
March 8th – Update on Grey Reef
Grey Reef Fishing Report – We had another fun group of friends fish with us this weekend. The weather was amazing and so was the fishing. One of our boats counted 50+ fish to the net which isn’t to shabby for a day of early spring fishing!
Top producing flies were natural pine squirrel leeches, grey rs2s, brown mohair leeches, and red rockworms.
March 4th – Amazing is All We Can Say!
Grey Reef Fishing Report- The fishing and weather has been amazing the last few days! You can see from the picture that Ledge Creek and some other areas have some slight discoloration from snow melt but not enough to make a difference in the fishing. The fishing is still awesome!
March 3rd- Doubles, No Gloves and NO WIND!
Grey Reef Fishing Report- I had the pleasure of taking Jake and Anthony fishing today. What a hoot! They threw streamers searching for trophy trout most of the morning without much luck. They nymphed the second half of the day and tore it up. The average fish size was 17 to 20 inches. We had five double hookups and lots more fish to the net. And the weather was fantastic! No wind and no gloves, who could ask for more!
Grey Reef Fishing Reports – February 2014
February 28th – To bead or not to bead.
The Game and Fish is holding a meeting to discuss Trout Beads and the new rule to not use them on March 3rd 2014 at 7Pm at the Game and Fish Office. It is located at 3030 Energy Lane. Game wardens and fishery biologists working the North Platte River plan to attend. We strongly encourage all interested anglers to show up and share your knowledge and experience fishing trout beads.
February 27th- Updated Spring Flush Schedule
Due to the existing ice conditions and more winter weather in the forecast, the spring Grey Reef flushing flows have been rescheduled to March 17 – 26. Usually the Grey Reef gets blown out for the first few days then fish’s great after that. Typically we put on around 9 am after they drop the flows back down. The flush stirs up a lot of Trout food and makes for excellent Grey Reef fly fishing!
February 22nd – Cold but Worth It!
Grey Reef Fishing Report- In between snow storms and windy days the Grey Reef has been fishing great as normal! It can be cold, but the key to fly fishing this time of year is dressing appropriately, checking the weather reports to choose a day with less wind, and choosing experienced Grey Reef fly fishing guides that know the river. You can have a 30 degree day with the sun shining and no wind and it is very enjoyable.
Flies working: natural & brown Pine Squirrel leeches; orange & olive scuds; black and brown midges.
February 16th- Grey Reef Spring Flush & Flow 2014
The 2014 Flush and Flow for the Grey Reef section of the North Platte River is tentatively scheduled for 10 days starting March 10th. Remember that the flush stirs a lot of food for the Trout and the fishing can be excellent after the first few days!
Grey Reef Fishing Reports – January 2014
January 25th – Grey Reef at Its’ Best!
Grey Reef Fishing Report- Many of our guests are shocked at how great the North Platte River fish’s this time of year (like our guest’s yesterday). Many don’t believe that a fishery fish’s so well year round, until they get here and experience it themselves. So you may ask? Isn’t it freezing this time of year? It can be cold at times but the key to fly fishing this time of year is dressing appropriately, checking the weather reports to choose a day with less wind, and choosing experienced guides that know the river. You can have a 30 degree day with the sun shining and no wind and it is very enjoyable.
January 23rd- Winter Fishing can’t be Beat!
Grey Reef Fishing Report- The fishing on the upper Grey Reef was fabulous today, the weather was pretty nice, and we had the river to ourselves. Our guest Eric landed 19 fish in a half day trip and his daughter in law Elisa landed close to 10 on her first time fly fishing. What a nice group of people!
Hot Flies: red rock worm, brown pine squirrel leeches, and of course orange Trout Beads.
January 18th – Grey Reef Fishing Report Update
Grey Reef Fishing Report- Hot Flies: brown and natural colored leeches, red rock worms, black midges, and of course orange Trout beads.
2013 Grey Reef Fishing Report Archive
Grey Reef Fishing Reports – December 2013
December 3rd- Snow in the Forecast but the trout don’t care!
Grey Reef Fishing Report- I had the pleasure of spending a half day with Russel fishing on the upper Gray Reef. What a great fisherman. It seemed a little slow in comparison to prior days but it was still fishing great. Just to give you an idea of how good it was, he netted 21 fish in 4 hours of fishing with many fish that came off.
Grey Reef Fishing Reports – November 2013
November 28th – Give Thanks
Thanksgiving is a good time to take the time to think of all the people you are thankful for. As the owner of Wyoming Anglers I would first like to say thanks to God for making it all possible. He created man for friendship and created fish with man in mind. He created all things for us to enjoy! He is the one who gave me the idea, the wisdom and the courage to step out past my fear and start Wyoming Anglers. Secondly I would like to say thanks to all our INCREDIBLE North Platte River fishing guides. Our guides are the backbone of this company. They have great personalities, they’re hard workers, and they are fishy. Wyoming Anglers wouldn’t be the company that it is and is becoming without them! Secondly I would like to say thanks to all of our friends who have and continue to support Wyoming Anglers since its inception. You are the one’s who enable our staff and guides to have dream jobs. Every day we either have the opportunity to meet awesome new people or old friends doing what we love to do. Thanks to everyone who has had their part in making our company a success and enriching our lives with your friendship!
November 25th – Ridiculous!
Grey Reef Fishing Report- The fishing was ridiculous today and the weather was amazing. There was absolutely no wind. The bite was fairly consistent all day until like the last hour it seemed to slow down a little.
Flies of choice: grey rs2 foam back, tailwater tiny midge, orange trout bead.
November 24th – Picture Perfect Day on The North Platte
Grey Reef Fishing Report- The river was beautiful, serene, and slightly windy. The fishing was fantastic and there were hardly any other people on the river. This coming week looks like we will get a handful of warm days and we have guides available so book your trip today.
Flies of choice: natural pine squirrel leech, mayhem midges, purple mcgrubers, & char trout beads.
November 14th – Welcome to Browntown
Grey Reef Fishing Report- Fishing is still excellent on the upper Gray Reef with huge browns being landed regularly. The weather has been ridiculously warm for this time of year and looks like it will continue through next week.
November 10th – Grey Reef Fishing Update
Grey Reef Fishing Report- Guide Oliver Ashenhurst had the day off so he took his girlfriend Hanna Keck and Dalas Keil fun fishing on the upper stretch of the Grey Reef. The report came back that they slayed them. We have such an incredible fishery and the most consistent fishing as anywhere I know of. There are very few days of bad fishing on this river. If you are reading this report and have had a bad day on the Grey Reef of the North Platte River near Casper with a guide, chances are that you are going with the wrong guides. Even on the days with high wind and crappy weather we still often hear, ” this was the best day of fly fishing we have ever had.”
November 6th – The Bead Controversy
With all the commotion about fishing TROUT BEADS and the negative fishing report stating that it is harmful to fish, I feel compelled to shed some truth for those of you who aren’t familiar with it. Here are the FACTS. The last 2 days we have counted the number of foul hooked fish and what flies they were hooked with. More fish were foul hooked using a leach or smaller flies hands down as compared to one fish being foul hooked using the trout bead. The statement that this is hurting fish and is harmful to our fishery is not even a legitimate argument. When the bead is properly tied 2 inches from the hook you foul hook very few fish. There is no outfitter here that wants to protect the fishery worse than we do. If we thought this practice was harmful to this fishery we would with out question be against it!
November 5th – Fishing Couldn’t be Finer!
Grey Reef Fishing Report- The Platte River starting from Grey Reef down to Sechrist is fishing great! We are still catching monster Brown Trout fly fishing on the upper 8 miles. Cody and his father Kevin did a great job fishing today. Today was Cody’s first day with a fly rod and caught many fish.
Hot Flies: Pine Squirrel leeches in color natural and brown, and bright orange or chartreuse trout beads.
November 3rd- Browns, Browns and More Browns!
Grey Reef Fishing Report- Nothing has changed with flies or the fishing. The nymphing is still fantastic with a trophy brown hitting the net almost every trip. Congrats to my good friend Loui Fitchner that owns Second Wind Performance who caught the biggest Brown Trout he has ever caught. He landed a 25 inch brown on a natural pine squirrel leech.
Grey Reef Fishing Reports – October 2013
October 31st – Trout Beads, the Hot Topic Discussed
Because of the stirring controversy and disinformation being given to the public on Trout beads (“pinned bead rigs”), I would like to clarify any possible misconstrued information regarding the legality of such practices. As far as the Game and Fish is concerned I talked with the regional fish supervisor and as long as the bead is pegged within 2 inches of the fly then the practice is completely LEGAL (kind of like a stinger on an articulated streamer.) I have appreciated and enjoyed reading the arguments for and against pegging the bead. One Facebook post was very insightful and intuitive on the positive and negatives effects of this practice. To read this article please go to Another local fishing report only criticized the practice and gave off not only a staunch aroma of pretentiousness, but also a bit of hypocrisy in telling fisherman to avoid eggs and worms while on their other website recommending certain flies including worms of various colors. Here is our take. If you don’t want to use worms and eggs then don’t. If you are going to use eggs then don’t use gummy eggs and other varieties that the fish will take in the tongue, instead peg a Trout bead and hook the fish square in the corner of the mouth. As far as the impaler hooks are concerned we believe that no one should use these because of the damage they cause to fish (mini or large impaler). We also believe that fly shops should not suggest fisherman use these hooks on our waters. Bottom line is that fish eat eggs, fish eat worms, fish eat bugs. Catch and release and take care of the fish.
October 30th – Rainbow of Colors
Grey Reef Fishing Report – The fishing on Grey Reef is fantastic. Almost every trip consists of lots of Rainbow’s ranging from 16 to 21 inches with a trophy Brown Trout ranging from 21 to 27 inches. Today the flies of choice were Brown Pine Squirrel leeches, Bwo patterns, and LEGAL orange Trout Beads. With all this commotion about using “pinned bead rigs” I payed close attention to the fish we hooked yesterday. We hooked more fish outside the mouth and actually on the tongue with a leech pattern as oppossed to the trout bead hook being caught perfectly in the corner of the mouth every time. In fact my guest actually commented on how nicely the rig hooks fish with out hurting them.
October 28th – Grey Reef Fishing Report Update
Grey Reef Fishing Report – Grey Reef Fly Fishing continues to be excellent. No real change in flies or fishing. Tis the season for monster Brown Trout. Looks like we will continue to have nice weather so stay tuned to the weather and book your trip today. And remember we won’t hassle you if you have a day scheduled and decide to reschedule because of weather.
October 24th – Grey Reef is Fishing Fantastic!
Grey Reef Fishing Report- The fishing on the Grey Reef remains fantastic! Our guests are catching trout up to 20 in. regularly with 1 or 2 fish over 24 inches every day or 2.
October 21st – Have You Been Dreaming of Monster Brown Trout?
Grey Reef Fishing Report- Our guides continue to land 5+ lb Trout and up to 25 inches daily. All types of fly fishing are fantastic right now from nymphing for numbers and huge fish, streamers, and great dry fly action. Guide Oliver Ashenhurst came back and reported the best big fish day he has ever seen. In my 10 years of experience I can also honestly say that this last week I have experienced some of the biggest and best fishing days consecutively in my guide career. This is the perfect time of year to catch that hog Brown Trout you have been dreaming about, and the weather conditions couldn’t be better!
October 19th – Don’t Live with Regret!
Grey Reef Fishing Report- Congrats to Jon for landing a 20,24, & 25 inch Brown today! Pics will posted very soon. This fishing was epic again today! There were still a lot of fish rising to the great blue wing hatch we have been getting recently. This is a great time to catch massive fish. Don’t wait or you will regret it.
October 18th- What are You Waiting For?!
Grey Reef Fishing Report- Water clarity on the upper Grey Reef is great and the nymph fishing today was epic. I had a single today and we probably landed 40+ fish with nice 20 inch Brown Trout to boot. There were also a lot of quality fish coming up to dries this afternoon. We also landed multiple fish on streamers. Grey Reef guide Jim landed a 4+ Brown Trout. Just in case your not getting the picture yet, this is the time to get big fish.
October 17th- Grey Reef Fishing Update
Grey Reef Fishing Report- 5 & had lb Brown Trout to the net! The fishing seemed a little slower at times today than yesterday but it was still pretty good. Probably brought 30+ fish to the net with another big brown. He weighed in at 5 and a half lbs.
October 16th- Off Color? Good or Bad, You Decide.
Grey Reef Fishing Report- And who says the fishing isn’t good when it’s off color? The upper Grey Reef is still a bit off color but today the fishing was fabulous! On to top of an incredibly nice day, great people, and lots of fish to the net, Kevin landed 2 mongo fish. He measured a 5lb brown and a 5lb rainbow! But as far as numbers go, I would have to say that his friend Kelly won.
October 15th – Upper Grey Reef Holding Steady
Grey Reef Fishing Report- All reports on the Upper Grey Reef are still coming back great despite water being a little off color. No real change in flies. This is the time of year when fish are eating big flies, so more chance of not losing your fish. Even the rain with off color water has it’s advantages. Life is what you make of it. Lot’s of times clear water means small flies and more fish getting off. So until then we will enjoy big flies. Around here we try to look at life through optimistic glasses. We hope your enjoying the weather and making the most of it!
Grey Reef Fishing Reports – September 2013
September 29th – Grey Reef Fishing Update
Grey Reef Fishing Report- We had one boat float from Lusby access area down to Whitetail take out. The fishing was really good but there was a lot of floating moss due to the rain the Grey Reef experienced the night before. Guests were having to clean a lot of moss of their flies. We could have continued fishing with the annoyance of cleaning our flies all day long. We changed plans and pulled out at lunch at Government Bridge and went back up and floated the Upper Grey Reef for the second half of the day because from experience we know it isn’t affected as bad.
September 28th – Rain and Snow, Go Away!
Grey Reef Fishing Report- The rain and snow we got Thursday night blew out Bolten Creek. Everything below government bridge is toast. But the upper Grey Reef to Lusby and 3/4 of the way to Government bridge is clear and still fishing strong! Well we had some pretty strong winds today. But that didn’t stop the fish from biting. We had a pretty strong morning of fly fishing Grey Reef despite the conditions. The afternoon we had the strongest winds but the wind was blowing downstream in the right direction enough that the fishing was still pretty good!
Hot Flies: Caddis, grey rs2′s, midges, and leeches.
September 22nd- Grey Reef Fly Fishing on the North Platte River
The Grey Reef stretch of the North Platte river formed below the Grey Reef Reservoir, has been recognized as a trophy Blue Ribbon tail water. It is the last untouched tail water in the West. Many say that Grey Reef fly fishing is what the Bighorn and San Juan were like 15 years ago. This tail water is home to trophy rainbow, brown, and cutthroat trout without the pressure or traffic associated with many popular tail waters today. The flush and flow management, coupled with the artificial fly and lure only regulations, have produced the best wild rainbow trout fishery in the West. If you want a legitimate chance at a rainbow or brown of a lifetime, come fishing with us on the North Platte River below Grey Reef. Here you will be outnumbered by fish and wildlife, not other fisherman. But don’t take our word for it, come see for yourself what Grey Reef fly fishing is like. The head waters of the North Platte River gather in the North Park area of Northern Colorado where drainages of the Rabbit Ears and Park ranges converge. The river continues to flow North before entering Southern Wyoming where other feeder rivers such as the Encampment river, French Creek, and the Douglas all dump into the Platte. The snow pack run off from all these waters feed the North Platte. From Wyoming’s southern border to Seminole Reservoir, the North Platte is a freestone river. It experiences heavy snow pack run off from mid May to Mid June. It continues to flow northerly from Seminole to Pathfinder, with the Miracle Mile Blue Ribbon tail water scrunched in between the two reservoirs. From Pathfinder it contunues through the Fremont Canyon stretch before it dumps into Alcova Reservoir. It continues through the Alcova dam before entering the Grey Reef Reservoir where it is then released through Grey Reef Dam.
September 17th – Grey Reef Update
Grey Reef Fly Fishing Report- The North Platte River below Grey is recovering from the rain we had that blew out the lower sections below the Lusby. We fished the upper Grey Reef today which has held it’s clarity fairly well and it fished great. Landed a lot of very sizable fish. Caddis patterns and leeches are still working great. We checked out Sechrist access area and it was blown out, but Government bridge looked great so the tributary between the 2 access areas must still be puking. It will probably be clear by tomorrow or the next day for sure.
September 16th – Grey Reef Current Conditions
Grey Reef Fishing Report- The rain blew everything out except Grey Reef to Lusby. It fished pretty good with some great Trico dry action in the morning and Psuedo action in the afternoon. For nymphing leeches, soft hackle gold bead head caddis, and grey foam post rs2s and midges early on.
September 1st- Grey Reef
The Grey Reef stretch of the North Platte river formed below the Grey Reef Reservoir, has been recognized as a trophy Blue Ribbon tail water. It is the last untouched tail water in the West. Many say that Gray Reef fly fishing is what the Bighorn and San Juan were like 15 years ago. This tail water is home to trophy rainbow, brown, and cutthroat trout without the pressure or traffic associated with many popular tail waters today. The flush and flow management, coupled with the artificial fly and lure only regulations, have produced the best wild rainbow trout fishery in the West. If you want a legitimate chance at a rainbow or brown of a lifetime, come fishing with us on the North Platte River below Grey Reef. Here you will be outnumbered by fish and wildlife, not other fisherman. But don’t take our word for it, come see for yourself if the stories of the Gray Reef are true! The head waters of the North Platte River gather in the North Park area of Northern Colorado where drainages of the Rabbit Ears and Park ranges converge. The river continues to flow North before entering Southern Wyoming where other feeder rivers such as the Encampment river, French Creek, and the Douglas all dump into the Platte. The snow pack run off from all these waters feed the North Platte. From Wyoming’s southern border to Seminole Reservoir, the North Platte is a freestone river. It experiences heavy snow pack run off from mid May to Mid June. It continues to flow northerly from Seminole to Pathfinder, with the Miracle Mile Blue Ribbon tail water scrunched in between the two reservoirs. From Pathfinder it contunues through the Fremont Canyon stretch before it dumps into Alcova Reservoir. It continues through the Alcova Dam before entering the Gray Reef Reservoir where it is then released through Grey Reef Dam.
Grey Reef Fishing Reports – August 2013
August 25th – Grey Reef Fishing Update
Grey Reef Fishing Report- Good friends and guests Katie and Tucker Gordan returned for the 4th year to fish the amazing Trico dry fly fishing that the Grey Reef of the North Platte River has to offer. The morning started out with many fish rising to the surface. The wind picked up shortly after our start and blew all the bugs off the water and pretty much shut down the dry fly fishing. They come back year after year just to fish the dry flies. This is their preferred type of fishing any were they travel and they boast this is one of the best fisheries.
August 24th- The Moss Can’t Stop Us!
Grey Reef Fishing Report- Grey Reef flows are 1250 CFS. I had the pleasure of taking John Morrison down the river the last few days. He did a great job and landed a lot of fish. He has fished here for 5 years and this year was his highest fish number year. This is the first time he has come in August so it goes to show you can have awesome days this time of year even with all the moss! All of the shallow riffles are producing lots of fish right now on caddis, midge ,trico, and mohair leech patterns.
August 22nd – Grey Reef Fishing Update
Grey Reef Fishing Report- Some of the lower stretches of the Grey Reef have been experiencing floating moss. Hopefully it will settle down shortly. The upper Grey is fly fishing pretty solid although cleaning flies regularly is required. For nymphing Caddis is one of the top producing patterns, like a gold bead headed caddis with soft hackle. Trico dry fly action early in the morning and caddis dry fly action late in the afternoon.
August 13th – Early Bird Gets the Worm
Grey Reef Fishing Report- Don’t be afraid of seeing the sunrise, the earlier the better. The fishing has started to last into the afternoon with temperatures dropping and frequent afternoon rains. The morning is still filled full of rising pods of fish. While tricos are everywhere on the water more productive patterns are pmd’s and caddis. Attractor patterns will do the trick but a better bet is authentic bugs stay away from para-post indicators if you can see your bugs without them. As the temp comes up the fish are moving into the heads of the runs. Fish from the riffle to about mid run. The bottom end tends to be less productive. Nymph the runs deep. Use a big bug up top-turds (Pat’s crazy legs or and stone pattern) or wiggle the San Juan worm (red, orange or purple). Soft hackle patterns are a great choice for a bottom fly or if the water color is clear use small bugs, 20 or so, zebra midges, or foam back emergers. Happy hooking up fish!
August 7th- Caddis, Caddis, Caddis!
Grey Reef Fishing Report- I had the pleasure of taking local friends Dick Eli and his son Shannon. We did a short float from Sechrist to Heartnet. The water on this lower stretch was still a tad off color but it fished pretty well. Dick caught this very nice brown on a size 14 soft hackled caddis on pattern. We pulled one stick off the bottom and there were caddis cases all over it. This explains why caddis patterns were the best!
Grey Reef Fishing Reports – July 2013
July 30th – Grey Reef Fishing Update
Grey Reef Fishing Report- Tyler Soulek had the pleasure of taking guests Dave and Darren Driggers to the upper Grey Reef today. Heavy downpour yesterday caused the water to become off color. They had good luck on the sparkle caddis. On that fly not a lot of fish but all his big fish. Also working for him was a mitchells split case and a rust colored anatomay with a 6 ft rig from indicator to an ab weight. He did best in all the fastest moving current.
July 24th- The Rain Can’t Stop Us!
Grey Reef Fishing Report- A group of our friends and guides got together and had an afternoon of fly fishing on the lower section of the North Platte River. We floated Sechrist to Heartnet. In my boat were friends Tonya Post and her son Tyler. About an hour into the trip we were huddled up in the bush’s along the river as we had a torential downpour. This was their first time fly fishing. Their very first fish for the both of them was a Brown Trout. The wind got pretty nasty to but they both did very well, especially for the conditions!
July 20th – Grey Reef Fishing Update
Grey Reef Fishing Report- I had the pleasure of taking Scott Cummings and his wonderful wife fishing today. We went fishing on the upper Grey Reef and did very well. The moss is starting to come up a little but the fishing is still fantastic! And all the lower sections of the Grey Reef are fishing very well also.
Hot Flies: Yellow sallies, pmds, crawdad, and caddis patterns
July 11th- Fishing on Grey Reef is Amazing!!
Grey Reef Fishing Report- The fishing is absolutely amazing right now! The dry fly fishing, nymphing and streamer fishing are all productive. There is almost every type of bug hatch happening, on one stretch or another of the Gray Reef. Yellow Sallies, Pmds, Midges, Caddis, Stoneflies(Miracle Mile) and a few tricos and bwo’s are even popping here and there.
July 1st- Stone Fly Camp
We took our Stone Fly Camp group to the Reef to have a second day of fishing in the barrel as Bryd says. It was rediculously good! Literally, almost every time your flies hit the water and had a second to drift, they would have a fish on. This group reported that these have been their best days fly fishing ever. Price said that at first after hearing how insane the fishing on Grey Reef was, that he was a little skeptical that it was that phenomenal and that after fishing it they now agrees that it is true. And although the Grey Reef is fishing incredible, don’t forget this is absolutely the BEST time to dry fly fish the Miracle Mile and in my opinion the North Platte River. You always have great nymphing at the Reef, but you don’t always have fly fishing Nirvana at the Mile. Just my 2 cents
Flies working: Everything LOL Red rock worms, midges, pmds, yellow sallies and many more.
Grey Reef Fishing Reports – June 2013
June 29th – One Word. Ridiculous!
Grey Reef Fishing Report- The Fishing on Grey Reef is ridiculously good right now. No other explanation needed. Book your trip NOW! Also we are currently hosting a stone fly camp at the Miracle Mile right now. We decided to continue the camp through the 2nd week in July and have a few openings for groups up to 6 people. We should have 2 solid weeks of fishing big stone dries. It’s my personal favorite time to be here out of the whole season. We have camp set up, cook all the meals, we do all the work. You eat, sleep, fish, relax and enjoy. Call with questions. Even if you decide not to camp,come enjoy the best dry fly fishing this part of the North Platte has to offer, hands down! Don’t wait this hatch happens once a year!
June 21st- Seeing Doubles!
Grey Reef Fishing Report – The fly fishing on the North Platte River right now is ridiculous! It really doesn’t fish much better than it is right now. The Miracle Mile and the Grey Reef are fishing very well. I took my boat to the upper Grey Reef today and my guests counted 13 landed doubles. I would guess we caught upwards of 70+ fish. Just another day on the Reef.
June 17th- Grey Reef Fishing Report
Grey Reef Fishing Report- First off we want to apologize for the lack of fly fishing reports. We have been slammed with fly fishing trips from the College Nationals Finals Rodeo. The North Platte River from the Miracle Mile all the way through the Grey Reef to Casper Wyoming is fishing off the hook. Or should I say on the hook? The flows are at 25oo cfs on Grey Reef and 3000 at the Miracle Mile. The fish are spread out and eating hard! Guests are landing enough fish that they generally lose count after 20. Come see if it’s only a fairly tale. You won’t be disappointed and we guarantee that!
June 5th- Call in Sick!
Grey Reef Fishing Report- The North Platte Fly Fishing right now is off the hook! On the upper 8 miles of the Grey Reef the fish are eating small bugs so hard they will nearly rip the rod out of your hands. All I can say is, “If you can take a day off of work you need to get here!”
Grey Reef Fishing Reports – May 2013
May 24th – Grey Reef Fishing Update
Grey Reef Fishing Report- Wyoming fly fishing guide Hooly Henson took Steve Vogl from Casper fly fishing today from Bessemer Bend to Robertson Rd. They had a great day with a lot of fish and a very beautiful brown. There was a slight downstream wind most of the day but the fishing was fantastic and somewhat protected on this lower section of the Grey Reef. The water was still slightly off color but it will be clear in no time.
May 21st- Recovering Quickly
Grey Reef Fishing Report- The Grey Reef Reef got blown out after the recent hard rains, but it is recovering quickly. We do have a few boats left for memorial weekend so call to reserve your spot.
May 3rd- Why this is the best Fishery
Grey Reef Fishing Report -The Fishing on the North Platte River from Miracle Mile all the way to Casper on the Grey Reef is fishing excellent! Summer is here and the fishing couldn’t be better! I had the fine pleasure of taking Chris Norton and Tony Cooper fly fishing in Wyoming today. What a beautiful day and the fishing was absolutely awesome. Can’t tell you how many fish we caught cause we lost track. The fish are really keying in on blue wings making it fun to fish short light rigs.
Grey Reef Fishing Reports – April 2013
April 27th – Funny Story
I had the fine pleasure of taking these 2 brothers from Boise Idaho fly fishing down the North Platte River. So when I picked them up at the Hilton Garden Inn, being the owner I wanted to check on their day of fishing with Mark Schmid the day before. They told me it was just ok. That was very disappointing for me. So then later after putting our boat in the river we started fishing and Sam begins our journey by shaking the boat with his super crazy fast cast. Not just one cast but every cast. At this point I knew something was off with these guys but I wasn’t sure what it was and they were starting to get under my skin a little. I kept looking at Chandler who was in the front of the boat to see if he would crack a smile but I found none. So after fishing for a minute Sam breaks off his flies. So I patiently retie his flies and hand them back to him. I tell him to cast off the right side and he immediately hands me his line back and tells me he doesn’t know how but he just broke them off again. So I looked at Sam with the, “like REALLY look”? Which made me feel guilty for a second later. So I patiently retie his flies and we continue fishing. Sam lands a very nice Rainbow so we pull over and anchor. After unhooking his fish he starts casting and his rod fly’s through the air and lands on the ground next to our boat behind us. So I patiently get out and grab his rod. I tell him that he should probably slow down his cast a bit. So in my mind I’m thinking somehow these guys didn’t like Mark and they are going to punish me all day and never come back with our company. Like I said I knew something was off, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. So then Sam hands me one of the rigs he had broken off earlier and proceeded to tell me that the last 15 minutes was all a joke. So these guys have had it up their sleeve to prank a guide. Well they decided not to do it with Mark the day before but save it for me. And with a little of his help they got me good! After I loosened up a bit we had a really fun time fishing together. And they turned out to be pretty nice guys. To finish the story I really wanted to get Mark back for helping them. Well during the trip he texted me to see how it was going. I told him that I got very angry with them and offered to take them back to town 3o minutes into the trip. I told him that they tried telling me it was a joke but by this time I had already lost my temper and made them mad. So I kept leading him on all day. That night he calls me and asks me how it went. I didn’t let up. I had to get him a little. I told him they really made me mad and they wouldn’t be back. Boy did he get upset at me because he had hit off with them. After charging him up a little I let him know I was kidding. I wont soon be forgetting Chandler and Sam. They have etched themselves in our memory here at Wyoming Anglers.
April 26th – Grey Reef Fishing Report Update
Grey Reef Fishing Report – We had multiple boats out today on the upper Grey Reef. The fishing was great! I had the pleasure of taking return friends and return guests Tom Burnett and his wonderful wife. This was the nicest day we have experienced this year on the Grey Reef. There was no wind, nearly 65 degree weather, great fishing in beautiful Wyoming, and surrounded by great people. Couldn’t have asked for more than that!
April 21st- Off Color, but Producing
Grey Reef Fishing Report – From all the recent snow we have been getting the water at the damn has been a little off color. Ledge Creek was dumping in a pretty good amount of dirty water which was discoloring the river pretty good downstream. It took a fair amount of work, but there were fish to be caught.
Hot Flies: Hot headed leechs, bwo patterns, egg patterns, and crayfish patterns
April 12th – Grey Reef Update
Grey Reef Fishing Report – With all the snow accumulation, some of the lower stretches of the Grey Reef have had some discoloration the last few days but the upper 12 miles have had good clarity. The fishing in the mornings just recently have been off a little but as it has been warming up a little later its been ridiculous. To give you a little understanding when reading our Wyoming fishing reports I will give you a little context. For the most part the Grey Reef is a year round fishery and fishes fantastic all year. When I read a fishing report somewhere else in the country I want Honesty so that is what we try to do on our reports, good or bad. Sometimes it fishes so well on the Grey Reef that people who haven’t fished here find it hard to believe that is common for 2 guests land 30 to 100 fish in a day with one of our guides. And when we say it is slow or is off, for most people it still fishes very well, because we are so spoiled with this river being ridiculously productive. Many times in my guide career on the Grey Reef I will be working my tail off and maybe land 30 fish in a day thinking that it is slow while my guests who fish all over the country don’t agree.
April 6th – Hardest Working Guides on the River
Grey Reef Fishing Report- We floated the lower Grey Reef from Whitetail which is just below Government bridge down to Sechrist in a 3 boat group. All boats were very successful putting a lot of fish to the net. The fishing is ridiculous right now. And the weather has been beautiful. Make it a priority to get down here right now for the most amazing fishing you have ever experienced. Our North Platte River fishing guides are highly professional and will work hard from start to finish to put you on fish all day long.
April 5th – Unmatchable!
Grey Reef Fishing Report- The fly fishing in Wyoming is almost unmatchable. We have people that fish all over the country and say this is the best fishing they have ever experienced. We had the pleasure of taking Andrew Suedakamp and his friends fishing today. What a fantastic day on the river. It was a fun 4 boat group in beautiful Wyoming. We decided to fish the lower Grey Reef from Bessemer Bend to Robertson Road on the edge of Casper. The fishing was silly! The size of fish wasn’t as big on average as up higher on the Reef but none the less it was awesome and we had a little protection from the wind.
Hot Flies: Red San Wons, Eggs, and crayfish
April 1st- Hot Flies of the Day
Hot Flies: Rockworms all day, midges in am, blue wings worked after lunch.
Grey Reef Fishing Reports – March 2013
March 30th – The Momber’s
GreyReef Fishing Report- I had the pleasure of taking my friends Dan and Kathy Momber fishing today. What a fantastic group of people to spend a couple of days with! They both did very well and caught a ton of Rainbow Trout.
March 28th – Fishing During the Spring Flush
Grey Reef Fishing Report – The flush on the North Platte River below Grey Reef has a few days left. All the stretches below the Grey Reef on the North Platte River are looking very clear and fishable. Also the Miracle Mile and Fremont Canyon are fishing well.
March 26th – Spring Flush Underway
Grey Reef Fishing Report – The spring flush continues on through this week. The fishing has been great! Putting boats on after the flows are back down at 10am has been working well. Flies working are egg patterns, leechs, worms, midges, etc.
March 23rd- Grey Reef Fishing Update
Grey Reef Fishing Report – The Grey Reef is on the mend. The water clarity is quickly coming back. One of our Platte River fishing guides Andy Bruste came back with great fly fishing reports for today. He said they probably drug nearly 100 fish to the boat between two guests. During the flush and flow we are starting our trips around 10 am when the Grey Reef is back down to normal flows of 500 cfs.
March 21st- Big Bows!
Grey Reef Fishing Report- Gray Reef Reservoir/afterbay which is downstream of Alcova dam is coming up as they are getting ready for the North Platte River Wyoming flush which begins at midnight and will continue for 10 days. The upper Gray Reef is still off color. Come back to our Platte River fishing report and we will keep you up to date on water clarity. Our North Platte River fishing guides have been up to the Miracle Mile the last few days as the Reef has been blown out. Both days we didn’t see another guided boat and very few wade fisherman and we are catching some big Rainbows!
March 20th – River is Blown Out
Grey Reef Fishing Report – There won’t be any fly fishing going happening on the upper Grey Reef as it it completely blown out and unfishable to at least Bessemer Bend. The Grey Reef Reservoir/afterbay has been lowered to the river channel. Looks like it is still clear from Bessemmer Bend or Robertson Road through town. Probably will be completely shot by tommorrow morning.
March 19th- Upper Section Blown out, but lots of options!
Grey Reef Fishing Report- The upper Grey Reef is completely blown out due to the water levels at the Grey Reef Reservoir being lowered down to the river channel. Lusby downstream will probably be fishable if you stay in front of the dirty water. Dirty water started gushing through the dam at approximately 8 am. Fremont Canyon and the Miracle Mile will be other good options for the next few days.
March 18th – Fly Fishing Lessons
If you never tried fly fishing and would like to try, taking a guided trip is a great opportunity for hands on fly fishing lessons Casper Wyoming. All of our fly fishing guides are very patient and will have beginners hooking and landing fish within 10 minutes. We commonly hear first time fly fisherman say, “we never knew we could catch so many fish our first time,” and many experienced fisherman say ”this is the best day of fishing I have ever had.” Our guides know were the fish are and know how to teach you to have a very successful day your first trip. All fishing gear and flies are included other than what you wear.
March 14th- Grey Reef Fishing Update
Grey Reef Fishing Report- t’s been very nice on the Grey Reef! The warmer weather has brought a little early runoff on the Grey Reef. You can see a little mud on the edges of the upper Grey Reef but not enough to effect the fishing. The Grey Reef fishing has been ridiculous! Bolten Creek just upstream of Government Bridge is puking in and making the lower Grey Reef off color.
March 13th – Spring Flush 2013
Grey Reef Fishing Report- The Bureau of Rec is planning to start a 10 day flush at midnight on March 22nd next week. The flows will be increased until they reach 4000 cfs and will be back down to the normal flow of 500cfs by 10am. This is when the upper Grey Reef is usually fishable again. The fishing after the flush is usually great as the high flows kick up a lot of food for the fish. Please keep in mind that it takes a while for the sections downstream of the upper Grey Reef to drop to it’s normal flows.
March 9th- Flurries but Fishing is Productive!
Grey Reef Fishing Report- We experienced some minor flurries and a little wind on the river today and in the Casper area. The fishing was good but it was a little chilly. Greg Gilbert from Cheyenne Wyoming was my guest today. This is his second year of fly fishing and he is really becoming an excellent fly fisherman! No real change in fly patterns. Rock worms, eggs, midges, and leeches.
Grey Reef Fishing Reports – February 2013
February 27th – Grey Reef Fishing Report Update
Grey Reef Fishing Report- The in town sections of the North Platte River near Casper Wy still have a lot of floating ice but we are fishing the upper 8 miles of the Grey Reef regularly. This section is roughly 30 miles south of Casper and flows North through Casper. Today I had the pleasure of taking my friend Steve Douglas fly fishing. The fishing was fantastic, and the weather wasn’t bad. (no wind) He quit counting after 10, but estimates catching over 30 Trout. Another one of our fishing guides Andy Bruste reported counting over 50 Trout also with a single guest. We are not big fish counters. The sole purpose for stating numbers on this report is to give you a real idea of how well the Trout fishing in Casper Wyoming is this time of year, because everyone says their fishing is good. The natural leech and egg patterns worked very well until about noon. After lunch we had a midge hatch and caught many of our fish on a size 20 midge.
February 26th – Snowy Conditions
GreyReef Fishing Report- Andy Bruste had our friend and return client Steve Douglas out today. The ramps were pretty iffy with a 10 inch hard crust underneath of the new 4 or 5 inches of snow. So they wade fished the Grey Reef dam and had good luck. Caught fish on streamers and nymphs. We are taking 2 groups together tomorrow and we are going to float the Upper Grey Reef stretch. We might need to slide the boats down the ramp and possible pull the boats out with a rope to get through the drift. We have clients that have flown in to catch the monster trout this river is known for this time of year and were going to give her heck. But we would recommend using caution if you are planning a trip this week. Although the snow has made it difficult for trips, we are very thankful for the much needed snow!
February 22nd- Facts about the North Platte
Here are some facts the Wyoming Game and Fish Department released in the Casper Region Angler Newspaper in 2012 about the North Platte River from Robertson Rd to Glenrock which is 42 miles downstream of Grey Reef Dam. We conducted a population estimate on the North Platte below Robertson Road in October. The trout population stood at 960 fish per mile with 1,070 pounds of trout per mile. Rainbow trout comprise 94% of the overall trout population with brown trout representing 6%. Rainbow trout average 14 inches in this reach with individuals as large as 6 pounds captured. The brown trout through this reach are slightly larger on average but as with the rest of the North Platte River, the largest trout present by far tend to be brown trout with the occasional brown over 10 pounds caught. The 2011 population estimate is about average for this reach. Being located 42 miles downstream of Gray Reef Dam, this reach can be impacted by high summer temperatures and silt accumulation making it far less productive than sections closer to Gray Reef. It is interesting to note that trout growth in 2010 and 2011 was exceptional with fish at age 1 and 2 being nearly 2 inches longer than is typical for this reach. High water conditions likely served to keep temperatures and turbidity down while increasing invertebrate production and drift. Big Muddy Access area to Rabbit Hill Access area is the lowest reach that we routinely monitor trout populations on. In October 2011, we estimated 500 trout per mile and 780 pounds of trout per mile which is meeting our population objective for this reach. Over 98% of the fish are rainbow trout with only about 10 browns per mile. Rainbow trout average 15 inches with individuals to 6 pounds captured. The section from Edness Kimball WilkinsState Park downstream to the Dave Johnston Powerplant is annually stocked with 20,000 fingerling Firehole rainbows. In 2010 we began a study to evaluate the stocking program to see what percentage of the rainbow population are hatchery fish and whether or not continued stocking is justified. While the study will run through at least 2014 to fully evaluate, our results from the first year are interesting. We found that 50% of the 12-16 inch rainbows ( 1 year old fish) in this reach were from the 2010 stocking, and that the stocked fish averaged 2 inches longer than their wild counterparts. Due to Alcova Reservoir spilling in 2010, 2011 and for a short period in 2012, walleye have made their way into the North Platte. Anglers are reporting catching a few below Gray Reef Dam. There has been some confusion surrounding what to do if you catch a walleye. The restricted creel limits on the river apply only to trout. If you catch a walleye, feel free to keep it (within the walleye limit of course, which is 6 walleye per day or in procession, with no length restrictions).
February 15th – Grey Reef Update
Grey Reef Fishing Report- Grey Reef fly fishing Guide Hooly Henson was out today and her quests did very well! They were catching fish most consistently on red Rock worms size 14, purple and pink San Juan worms size 12, brown leechs size 12, and tan midges size 18 0r 20 like the ones she pumped out of a fish’s stomach. Hooly commented that the fish are fighting really hard like when the temperatures are warmer later in the spring time.
February 14th – Happy Valentine’s Day! Rainbows be my Valentine!
GreyReef Fishing Report- Tons of healthy Rainbows mainly in the 19-21 inch range. Flies working consistently were natural and brown pine squirrel leech’s, red San Juan worms, black and tan midges. Andy’s boat picked up a few fish on streamers with one 23 inch Trout.
February 9th- Streamers and Nymphing
Grey Reef Fishing Report- The streamer fishing today was pretty slow although we did catch a few 20 in rainbows and lost what may have been a real big fish. The nymphing of course was excellent. Pine squirrel leeches, red San Won worms, egg patterns, and midge are working exceptionally well.
February 3rd- Upper Grey Reef Update
Grey Reef Fishing Report- Fishing on the upper Grey Reef to be pretty good today with peaceful surroundings as no one else seems to be taking advantage of trips this time of year. The fish were eating midges on the surface. They were also eating streamers and of course……..nymphs. The water is clear all the way to Lusby. Looks like we are supposed to have some warm days in the low to mid 40′s this week.
Grey Reef Fishing Reports – January 2013
January 29th – Now is the Time!
Grey Reef Fishing Report- Right now is the time to start fly fishing Wyoming rivers. Wyoming has and continues to be the least crowded state with the best fishing, but you see fewer people this time of year, and the fishing is great! The upper Grey Reef opened up all the way to the Lusby access area a little over a week ago and has been fishing well.
January 20th- Grey Reef Fishing Report Update
Grey Reef Fishing Report- The warm weather has opened up the Grey Reef for fishing. We had 1 boat that did an afternoon float trip today on the upper Grey Reef with very nice conditions. Landed lot’s of nice fish on brown pine squirrel leech’s and egg patterns. There were runs that we would hook a fish every drift through with one fisherman in the boat.