The easiest way to purchase your Wyoming fishing license is to buy it online and print it out right immediately. Why not avoid the hassle of waiting on someone behind a counter running a slow computer, when you could be out on the water.
But if circumstances don’t allow you to purchase your license online, then your Wyoming Anglers fishing guide would be happy to make sure you’re licensed before you hit the water!
Non Resident Rates
Non-Resident License Rates
- Non-Resident Daily Fishing License $14
- Non-Resident Annual Fishing License $102
- Non-Resident Youth (14-18) Annual Fishing License $15
- 13 and under are not required to have a license
- 13 and under may fish on adults license but must share adults creel limit
- Conservation Stamp $12.50
- All Annual Wyoming Fishing Licenses require a stamp
*All licenses valid from Jan. 1st till Dec. 31st of that year
For more info on the Wyoming Game and Fish, fishing regulations click on the logo.
Resident Rates
Resident License Rates
- Resident Daily Fishing License $6
- Resident Annual Fishing License $24
- Resident Youth (Ages 14-18) Annual Fishing License $3
- 13 and under may fish on adults license but must share adults creel limit
- 13 and under are not required to have a license
- Conservation Stamp $10.50
- All Annual Wyoming Fishing Licenses require a stamp
*All licenses valid from Jan. 1st till Dec. 31st of that year
The Wyoming Game & Fish Department requires you to be a resident of Wyoming for at least one year and not to have claimed residency or received another states resident license in that year.
For more info on the Wyoming Game and Fish, fishing regulations click on the logo.
Wyoming Fly Fishing Reports

Miracle Mile Fishing Report
Miracle Mile Fishing Report & River Conditions Fishing Report Date: 11/12/24 Stream Flow: 540 CFS below Seminoe Dam Water Clarity: 9/10 Water Temp: N/A Fish…
Grey Reef Fishing Report
Grey Reef Fishing Report & Fly Info Fishing Report Date: 11/12/24 Stream Flow: 500 CFS Water Clarity: 9/10 Water Temperature: -N/A Fish Count: 3,500 fish per…