North Platte River Fly Fishing Info
Miracle Mile Fly Fishing-Miracle Mile Fishing Guides-North Platte River
Miracle Mile Fly Fishing – “The Mile” as it’s known to locals is actually a seven mile long tail water section of the North Platte (depending on pathfinder Reservoir lake levels) with consistent, cold water from Seminoe Reservoir above creating ideal big trout habitat. A recognized Blue Ribbon trout stream, Miracle Mile Wyoming has some of the biggest trout in the lower 48. Spring time brings a giant migration of Rainbow Trout from Pathfinder. In late fall and early winter, the same migration occurs with Brown Trout. You can trust Wyoming Anglers to set you up with Mircle Mile Fishing Guides that will give you the best experience!
Miracle Mile Overview
Miracle Mile Fly Fishing Overview….
Fly fish the world-famous Miracle Mile, situated between Seminoe and Pathfinder Reservoirs is actually a seven mile long tail water section of the North Platte River, just 50 miles southwest of Casper with consistent, cold water from the reservoir creating ideal big trout habitat. A recognized Blue Ribbon trout stream, Miracle Mile Wyoming has some of the biggest and highest numbers of trout in the lower 48. It is an extremely fertile tailwater that offers anglers a chance to catch very large trophy trout. At approximately 4,000 fish per mile, averaging 16-21 inches, fly fishermen will have plenty of opportunities to catch their fish of a lifetime. It is the largest continuous section of public water on the North Platte other than the section through the Medicine Bow National Forest. The scenery here is breathtaking.
Miracle Mile fly fishing in July during the stonefly hatch on is something to experience as avid fly fishermen spend the day throwing dry flies for some challenging, yet spectacular, fly fishing.
We are excited about our new Miracle Mile Fishing and Camping Trips. These are perfect for fly fishers wanting more time to fish the Miracle Mile. Instead of using up the morning hours traveling, you’ll be out on the river at daybreak. We’ll take care of setting up camp and fixing meals. You can concentrate on Miracle Mile fly fishing.
Miracle Mile Fly Fishing Through The Season
Winter: (Dec.-Feb) Most people are at home comfortable sitting by the fire. But there are still some great opportunities to catch Trophy Browns at the mile in December before the Spawn ends. These fish are aggressive and very opportunistic. O, and you most likely wont see anyone.
Spring: (Mar.-May) Early spring though Mothers day is typically a great time to hook a huge Rainbow that has come up from the Pathfinder Reservoir for the annual spawn. Resident Trout go all the way up to 20 inches but the spawn brings Rainbows anywhere from 24 to 30 inches. The main food source during this time is midges, leeches, scud, crayfish and nocturnal stone flies. This part of Wyoming is known for it’s low temps and high winds, especially in the spring and fall. The possibility of catching a fish of a lifetime is worth toughing out any weather conditions though so bring your wind-stopper and a 6 or 7 weight fly rod.
Summer: (June-August) The Stonefly hatch is the perfect time to find yourself fishing big dries at the Miracle Mile. Higher flows push the fish to the islands and banks were fish can gobble the stones as they are swept downstream. When the 2 week long hatch comes off, people are generally nymphing. It’s like no one knows how to dry fly fish. Along with the Stone Fly hatch the Mile also has a good Caddis hatch which can produce dry fly fishing. Other than these two hatches, the Miracle Mile is most productive nymphing. Next to that, streamer fishing and swinging with a 2 handed rod would be be the next most productive way to fish the Mile. Although the Mile is a tailwater, it seems to fish more like a Freestone river in the summer. It can be hot until like noon then it can shut off until you get closer to the reservoir.
Fall: (Sept.-Nov.) November and December is the time when the crowds are gone and thinking about sipping coco. But this is the best time to be at the Miracle Mile to catch one of Pathfinders trophy Brown Trout that are cruising up the Mile in preparation for the annual spawn. This spawn happens later than the Grey Reef. This part of Wyoming is known for it’s low temps and high winds, especially in the spring and fall. The possibility of catching a fish of a lifetime is worth toughing out any weather
River Description
North Platte – Miracle Mile River Description
The Miracle Mile fly fishing experience can best be described as diverse. As the first tailwater on the North Platte River system, this is where trophy fly fishing in Wyoming begins!
Kortez Dam to Bridge – The two mile stretch From the dam below Kortez reservoir to the bridge, is higher in gradient with pocket water, pools and riffles to keep an angler busy all day.
Bridge to Chalk bluffs – the section of river from the bridge to chalk bluffs is comprises of a series of big shelves, followed by long deep runs.
Chalk Bluff to the “Moon” – Depending on water levels, Pathfinder Reservoir will creep all the way up to chalk bluffs. During lower water years when the pool elevation of the the reservoir is down, there can be as much as 6 miles of addition river to fish. The terrain through the once lake bottom can best be described as moonscape, but some of our favorite water exists in this section when it’s not 30 feet under water!
Miracle Mile Trout
In the past two years, the North Platte River has experienced high flows. The Wyoming Game and Fish surveys are showing the trout population has benefitted from these conditions. Fish numbers are up and expected to increase in the years to come, resulting in excellent Miracle Mile fishing opportunities.
The Miracle Mile trout population is roughly comprised of 90% rainbow trout and 10% brown trout. The ratio of rainbow to brown trout does vary from year to year and from season to season as fish move in and out of Path-finder Reservoir. Also, the rainbow trout population is composed of Firehole River and Eagle Lake rainbow trout which are both stocked in the Miracle Mile, fall-strain rainbow trout which are stocked in Pathfinder Reservoir, and wild rainbows hatched right in the Miracle Mile. We have been conducting monthly electrofishing through the fall and winter of 2011-2012 to document changes in the Miracle Mile species assemblage and determine if fall-strain rainbow trout that are stocked in Pathfinder Reservoir spawn in the Miracle Mile.
Brown trout were most abundant during November, a month that is close to the peak of their spawn. Path-finder Reservoir-stocked fall rainbows (identified by their stubby dorsal fins) were most abundant in December; they comprised 18% of the catch during this month. Some of these fish moved in to the Miracle Mile from Pathfinder Reservoir within a few weeks from when they were stocked. Although the fall rainbow trout moved into the Miracle Mile, there was no evidence that they were attempting to spawn. We did see a few rainbows with milt or eggs, but most of these ripe fish were not fall rainbow from Pathfinder Reservoir. It appears that rainbow trout of all strains spawn during the winter in the Miracle Mile to some extent.
Miracle Mile Fishing Guides
When you choose a Miracle Mile Fishing Guide, make your first experience a good one! Do your homework and read testimonies and reviews. Not everyone can work for Wyoming Anglers. When you fish with us you can rest assured that your Miracle Mile fishing Guide has been trained, tested and approved. We want you to have the best possible experience fly fishing Miracle Mile and we take our reputation very serious, so we put a lot of effort into making sure you have a patient professional. We only hire the best and that’s a guarantee!
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